

Nikki: Cheers Dawn 妳好啊,唐.
Dawn: Are you going to the karaoke tonight? 今晚會來唱歌嗎?
Nikki: No. Who wants to see Dockley singing her tits off? I'll make the most of the phone with no queue. 謝啦.誰想要看杜小姐唱掉奶子?我寧願趁著免排隊,好好占用電話.

Nikki: Rachel, listen, if you want to help yourself. Just make sure you don't get too friendly with that bastard screwdriver Fenner, all right? 如果妳想拉自己一把,記得千萬別和姓費的那個壞蛋走太近,好嗎?
Rachel: I don't know what you mean. 我不知道妳在講什麼.
Nikki: I mean Dockley's doing life for what she did to a girl she got jealous of. So, just be smart. Don't give her any case, yeah? 我說姓杜的對忌妒的女孩施暴被判終生監禁.所以放聰明點,別給她任何動手的藉口,哦?

Helen: Before you go, I've received an anonymous complaint from one of the women about drug testing. I think we should talk about it. We've obviously got some changes to make here.在你們離開前,我想談一下,我收到一封投訴毒品測試的匿名信.顯然我們應做點改善.
Basically, what she's saying is that we deliberately select women who'll test negative every month so that we can save ourselves paperwork and avoid looking bad at the Home Office. So, before she writes to her MP…基本上,她指出我們每月蓄意挑選沒有毒癮的人作測試,來規避文書作業並且讓績效好看.所以在她上書給MP之前....
Sylvia: Well, excuse me. Well, I think it's us women officers should be complaining about urine tests. I mean. It’s all right for the men's prisons. They're always showing themselves to each other. But I don't want to watch women going to the toilet. 對不起!我認為應該是我們女性獄官要抱怨尿液檢測.這對男性犯人是沒什麼,反正他們已習慣彼此暴露.但我可不想看女人上廁所.
Jim: And what's wrong with keeping the drugs figures down, Helen? Every other prison's at it. 把毒犯數字降低有何不好,海倫?其他監獄都是這樣做. (*不曉得獄中管理目標是如何訂定?如果只要求毒犯數字降低,大家肯定是文過飾非;如果改成是戒毒成功率,執行策略及手段就會跟著完全不同)
Helen: Are you trying to be funny, Jim? 你在跟我開玩笑嗎,吉姆?
Jim: Oh, come on, let's keep a sense of perspective here. Are we really going to get our knickers in a twist over one anonymous letter? 得了吧,仔細想想,我們難道要為了一封匿名信勒緊褲帶? (*Helen過於相信匿名信的功效,才會發生Shell向DST誣告Nikki的慘事.匿名信的指證應該要先被調查過)
Helen: I've checked the records. There are several names that crop up negative every month. I can't believe that. That's random selection. 我看紀錄了,有些陰性反應的人名經常是每月出現.真不敢相信,這還是隨機取樣的結果.
Jim: It's hard to prove if it is or if isn't...這證明不了什麼...

Jim: Well, fine, but I think that you will find…好吧,但是妳會發現...
Helen: Good, because no matter what we think of the methods, the whole point is to detect drugs abuse not to bloody well deliberately dodge it. 很好(強勢打斷他的回話),不論採用什麼方法,重點是查出濫用毒品的人,而不是故意迴避問題.
Jim: Yeah, but don't kid yourself, Helen. These junkie girls are a lot cleverer than you think. Well, you know drug-free piss is a saleable item now. And how do we know if the haven't got a little bottle of it trucked up inside them? Can't watch where it comes out of, can we? 別太天真了,海倫.那些毒蟲比妳想像得聰明.妳可知不含毒物反應的尿液檢體是可以買賣的.妳怎麼知道她們體內有沒有藏個小瓶子?我們能看到檢體是怎麼出來的嗎?
Helen: So, what is your point, Jim? Are you saying that we might as well just give up on them? 你的意思是什麼?你是說我們乾脆放棄算了嗎?
Jim: No, I'm just being honest, that's all. Prison makes them feel bad, drugs make them feel good. They'll get hold of them no matter what we do. 沒有,我只是實話實說罷了.監獄讓犯人沮喪,而毒品可以安撫他們.不論我們怎麼做,他們都會取到手.
Sylvia: Well, they wouldn't if we were serious. If we want to stop it, it's simple. Hundred percent closed visits. 如果我們夠嚴厲,他們就拿不到.如果真要禁止,很簡單.就百分之百地阻斷訪客.(Jim與Sylvia的態度幾乎是二個極端)
Jim: Oh 噢
Sylvia: Now, you can moan, Jim, but that's how most of the drugs get in here, off their outside visitors. If we stopped them kissing and cuddling, they wouldn't be able to pass the stuff, would they? 儘管哀嚎吧,吉姆,但是絕大多數毒品就是從訪客夾帶進來.如果禁止親吻和擁抱,就無從夾帶,不是嗎?(Bodybag的夢想後來在109真的如願實行)
Jim: But hang on, Sylvia. Think about them poor kids. And the girls who don't do drugs. Why should they all have to suffer? 慢點,斯維亞,想想那些可憐的孩子和不用毒品的女孩.他們為什麼要一起受過?
Sylvia: Because suffer they must. 因為他們本來就應該要承受.
Helen: Well, suffer they're not going to, Sylvia. We are going to reach out to women like this and bloody well show them that we're on their side. 他們沒有必要去承受,斯維亞.我們應該要伸出援手,讓他們知道我們可以是同一陣線.(*除了海報及DST之外,可惜我們看不到相關配套措施,來表現出「同一陣線」的本意.)

Helen: Oh, Nikki……I want to talk to you about Carol Byatt. 尼琪...我想和妳談卡洛的事.(Nikki無端被拉走,一臉莫可奈何的樣子.)
Nikki: Did you, miss? 是嗎?
Helen: I didn't have her shipped out. It went over my head. And if you think it was to stop her suing us for negligence then I'm absolutely sure you're right. 不是我把她轉監.是我的上司下的令,妳可以了解,這是為了阻止她控告我們的疏忽.(*這一段很難翻譯,如果按照字面直譯,味道就變了.這是根據國外影迷的描述調整.)
Nikki: Well, great. Even more amazing to me you can stick your job, miss. 很好啊.我更訝異妳還能堅持下去.(Nikki本質上不相信獄官,嘲諷完就想轉身走人)
Helen: So, you still don't think I can do any good, then? 怎麼,妳就是不認為我能作些改善? (Nikki的嘲諷意外的成為激將法,Helen最受不了別人不肯定她的努力)
Nikki: No, I think you do a really great poster. Very eye-catching. Totally pointless, but… 不,我認為妳做了很棒的海報.很搶眼,卻完全沒有重點....(我不清楚海報到底寫了什麼,感覺上好像變成鼓勵告密)
Helen: What, you think it's pointless to protect your civil liberties, do you? 什麼,妳認為保護妳的權利叫做沒有重點?
Nikki: My what? 我的什麼? (在獄中講人權是有點刺耳)

Nikki: Huh? 呵?(Nikki的表情一副:妳在說什麼啊?)
Helen: Because I'm sick of what you have to put up with, and your visitors. All because we don't target the real abusers and get them on some treatment. 因為我受夠了妳們和訪客要忍受這些,只因為我們沒有找到真正的毒癮者讓他們接受治療.
Nikki: Are you trying to wind me up? 妳是想作弄我嗎?

Nikki: No. I'm not telling you anything. 不,我啥都不會告訴妳!(終於不歡而散)

這種自言自言令人特別感傷,總覺得孤單的迴音,像永遠等不到希望,只是益加絕望.Bad Girls演到這裡,還是沒有明說Nikki是拉子,不過當時觀眾可能意識到Nikki與Trish二人的關係似乎非比尋常.


Nikki: Coffee counts as luxury in here, but you can buy it from the canteen. Sorry, prison shop, known as the canteen. We get to go there once a week to blow our princely private spends. 在這裡,咖啡是奢侈品,但妳可從販賣部買到.抱歉,監獄商店又稱作販賣部,我們每週可在那裡花費「奢侈的私人零用金」.(在110,Nikki,Julies雙姝就用奢侈的咖啡救回意圖吞藥自盡的Monica)
Monica: Sorry? 對不起...
Nikki: Our tiny little amounts of personal cash. Except it's not actual cash. It's just sums in a book. And what you're actually allowed all depends on which regime you're on, according to the so-called Incentives and Earned Privileges Scheme which basically depends on which screw likes you. Sorry, screw means---那是我們個人一丁點的現金.其實不是真的現金,只是簿記上的數字.至於我們到底有多少零花,取決於妳在那個階層,根據所謂的「獎勵表現優異權益方案」,其實全憑那個獄頭認為妳看得順眼,screw就是指...
Monica: Yes, yes. I know that much. 是的是的,我全了解了.

會談對犯人不見得有什麼直接好處,但對Helen的管理就有很大的幫助,她可以獲得檔案紀錄之外的資訊,了解該注意那些要點.但是就算她知道Monica有一位患唐氏症(Down's Syndrome)的兒子,還是無力阻止整個監獄體系的合法暴力,在親友會面日,肆無忌憚地威嚇所有人.

Dominic: Looks like the Guv's got her first hit. 看來長官使出第一擊了.
Lorna: I'm going to be one of them someday. 有一天我會成為其中一員.
Jim:....Anything that targets that troublemaker Nikki Wade is just brilliant by me....只要是針對姓魏的麻煩貨,我都鼓掌叫好.

Nikki: Oh wow, are you both for me? 哦,二個一起來找我?
DST woman: Stand up Wade. 站起來,魏.
Nikki: Yes Sir. 是的,先生.
DST woman: Have you got anything in this room or on your person you shouldn't have? 妳在這個房間裡有沒有違禁品?
Nikki: No Sir. 沒有,先生.
DST woman: Are you trying to be disrespectful to me? 妳是故意不尊敬我嗎?
Nikki: Disrespectful Sir? 不尊敬?
DST woman: Look… 看仔細...
Nikki: Sorry, I thought you were a man, sorry miss. 對不起,我以為你是男人,女士.(為什麼要把這位緝毒人員弄得這麼男性化而且有點負面?我對這個安排有一絲不安)
DST woman: Strip! 衣服脫掉!

DST woman: Legs apart, squat down. 腿打開,蹲下去.
Nikki: God, it must drive you mad not being allowed to touch me. 天呀,妳不能碰我一定讓妳恨得牙癢癢.(這是我欽佩Nikki的其中一段,她永遠有辦法在看似被壓制的場面,反將一軍.)
DST woman: She's clean, as far as I can tell. Put you cloth back now. We're going to search your room now. 我認為她沒有毒品.把妳的衣服穿回去,我們現在要搜妳的房間.
Nikki: Oh, mine's a cell, not a room. 噢,這裡只是囚室,還談不上房間.(Nikki前面回打一記還不過癮,這裡又再補上一句)
DST woman: Get an officer to lock her in somewhere sterile. 找個獄官把她關到其他消毒過的地方.

Nikki: Nice work 幹得真好
Helen: I'm going to make a complaint. They are not allowed to do this. 我要去抗議.他們無權這麼做.
Nikki: But they're allowed to make me squat over a mirror? 但是他們有權命令我蹲在鏡子上?
Helen: Nikki, they had good reason to suspect that you were dealing in drugs. 尼琪,他們一定有充份的理由認為妳涉入毒品 (諷刺的是所謂充分的理由來自一份匿名檢舉)
Nikki: Why, because you told them? 為什麼,就因為妳告訴他們
Helen: No, I didn't, actually. 我並沒有這樣說
Nikki: You liar. 妳是大騙子

Nikki: Well, fantastic, I'm really glad that you're convinced that you're doing the right thing, now just piss off out of my space! 真是太棒了,我真高興妳自以為做了大善事,現出請妳滾出這裡.(Nikki氣到摔東西,老實說,連我都聽不進Helen的邏輯)
Helen: You really let yourself down, Nikki. 妳真的在自暴自棄,尼琪.

一向有教養的Monica回答的也絕:"I don't trust the sodding screws, do you? 我就是不信任他媽的獄卒,妳信嗎?"

Monica還是沒搞清楚情況,Nikki只好再解釋: "She's been de-crotche...Do I have to spell it out to you? For her drugs. 她被迫扳開腿搜查毒品...要我把字拼給妳嗎?"

Monica代替Julie通話,當她解釋旁邊的鼓譟,急中生智借題發揮:"Sorry about the noise here. Well, actually, I'm ringing from the prison. Yes, I'm chairing a Board of Visitors meeting in five minutes but honestly I can't thank enough for leaping into the breach.很抱歉四周吵雜聲,事實上,我是從獄中撥話(Julie差點嚇壞,還好轉接得妙).是的,我還有5分鐘就要主持參訪團的會議,能抽空致電真是求之不得的機會."

Trish: No, thanks. I've given up. 謝了,我戒煙了.(Trish舉起雙手拒絕,動作幅度之大,好像要一併拒絕Nikki整顆心、整片情)
Nikki: Since when? 何時開始的?
Trish: Since the day after I last saw you. 上次來看過妳之後
Nikki: Why didn't you tell me about it? 妳為什麼沒告訴我?
Trish: I wanted to see if you'd notice. I couldn't be bothered with all that gum and patches thing. I went to see this guy that Charles went to in Harley Street. And I feel brilliant. 我想看妳有沒有注意到.我沒費事去使用戒煙口香糖或是貼片,我去看了Charles在Harley Street的治療師.現在我感覺很棒.
Nikki: Great. 很好.(Nikki口吻很酸澀)
Trish: Well, you know how bad my cough was getting. 妳知道我的咳嗽越來越嚴重.
Nikki: Yeah. 是的 (一顆心沈到深井)
Trish: I'll still bring them in for you. (Nikki put back the cig into box) 我還是會帶香煙給妳.

Nikki: That's our new commandant over by the desk. 桌子後面是新來的指揮官.
Trish: Is that her? You never said she was a babe. 那是她嗎?妳從沒告訴我她是個大美人.


Shell: Oi Wade! Did you have a good time with the squat squad? 嘿,姓魏的,享受妳的蹲坐嗎?
Nikki: Yeah, fantastic. Well, I did with the good-looking one! 是啊,棒極了.我可是蹲得很美麗!
Julies: we love you, Monica. You there, Monica? 我們愛妳,莫尼卡.妳在那裡嗎,莫尼卡?
別人答腔:Well, she's not going nowhere, is she? Not for five years, anyway. 她還能去那裡?5年內,哪也去不了.
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