The Leaving 離情依依
我很欣賞Bad Girls Annex發表的Judgment Day所做的劇本分析.借取幾個重點來發揮.「事實/真相」是這一集最強的主題.一開始便點出Babara猶如不定時炸彈的日記.她紀載的觀點隨著時間而變化,如果只看某一個時間點來評判,就會限於一時的好惡,沒有全貌.是不是很像判官的生死簿?Babara始終不了解日記的強大力量,落到像Shell這種壞人,就容易受到曲解,製造破壞.結果,在第三季又引起一次危機.
Judgment Day還點出一個真相.Zandra與Dominic一直若隱若現的情愫.Zandra至少把握機會,該說該吻都做了,算是美夢成真,死而無憾.連Nikki都勸他要開懷擁抱.可惜,他最放不開,所以這一集他最痛苦.
Bad Girls Annex提醒我們注意Shell名字的來源.Shell是Michelle的簡稱,原有"who is like/resembles God 宛如上帝"的意思.她也一直自以為是.在Crystal第一次入獄時,Shell對她嗆聲:"In here, I'm God. Remember it! 在這裡,我毫是上帝.記住這一點!" 我想到了這一集,大家都已置之不理.
Jim: Come on! Dockley, get a move on. 快點!杜,動作快.
Nikki: Are you gonna go in there and give her a hand, Sir. ? 你要不要進去助她一臂之力,長官? (有人提醒我要注意這句的性暗示)
Jim: Shut up! Wade. 閉嘴!魏.
Shell: I really appreciated all the support I have been given, Sir. I won't let you and Miss Bett down. I promise. 很感謝你對我所有的協助,長官.我保證不會讓你和貝女士失望.
Jim: Cut off the speeches, Dockley. There's no Oscars in here. 別再演講了,杜.這又不是奧斯卡頒獎典禮.
Shell: Don't be a stranger, NOW! 別見外嘛!
Nikki: The place won't be the same without you. 這裡少了妳還真不一樣.
Shell: Oh! BaBes. Don't worry! I'll keep in touch. 哦!寶貝,別擔心!我會保持聯絡.
<Bad Girls>幾次操場外景都拍得很細膩.這一幕Zandra和Dominic邊走邊談,Zandra提到她的小孩,四周人潮流動,人影閃去,他們自成一個世界.後來Dominic抱著他的孩子,是獄官看起來最有人性的一幕.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Babara: Oh! I forget my notebook. I think I'll just go back and get it. 我忘了帶筆記本.我要回去拿.
Nikki: Still recording that our "diet" for, Babes. 還在紀錄我們的伙食啊,親愛的.
Babara: Absolutely. 當然.
Nikki: Saving your place in the queue. 我幫妳留位置.
Babara: What do you think what you are doing? 妳在做什麼?
Shell: Having a good read. 好好欣賞.
Babara:You got no right. 妳沒有權力看.
Shell: Oh! Really? I got every right. After all it's some of its about me, isn't it? Oh, Yeah. Here we are. Shell Dockley is definitely a psychopathy. That's not very nice, is it? BaBes. 是嗎?我當然有.畢竟有些內容寫到了我.哦,就是這裡."雪兒杜根本是精神病." 很不厚道,不是嗎?親愛的.
Babara: Give it back! 還給我!
Shell: I think we have forgotten manners, haven't we? What do you say? 妳忘了禮貌,是嗎?該怎麼說?
Babara: Please! 請還我!
Shell: Afraid I can't. I haven't finished it. 恕難從命.我還沒讀完.
Babara: I'll report you. 我要告發妳.
Shell: Who to? Hollamby? that idle good for nothing beggar. 向誰?何女士?不過是浪費時間.
Zandra: Sometimes I ... 有時候我.....
Dominic: What? 什麼事?
Zandra: Sometimes I daydream about what things could have been like if I didn't have this. I'd have got clean, I'd have finished my sentence, and then ... when I got out, maybe ...有時候我會想像,如果沒有發生這些事會怎麼樣?我戒了毒,服完刑....等我出去,或許....
Dominic 點點頭,盡在不言中.
Zandra: Don't s'pose it would have worked, would it? 說不定會有結果,對吧?
Dominic: Don't s'pose. [pausing] It might've. 不是說不定,是很可能.
Dominic: I shouldn'ta done that. Sorry. 我不該這樣做.對不起.(這句話與Nikki第一次意外吻起Helen的台詞一模一樣)
Zandra: Don't be. At least one of my dreams came true. 別說對不起.至少,我有一個夢想成真了.(Dominic比當時的Nikki幸運多了.Helen當時責怪Nikki,那像Zandra高興都來不及.)
Shell嘲諷Babara一開始和Nikki同住時,竟然向Jim Fenner告狀."搞不懂為何妳認為費拿值得信任.他對妳做了什麼?" Babara趕緊走向Nikki,稱那是Shell的老掉牙笑話.
Nikki: How's Zandara today, then? 珊德拉今天如何?
Dominic: Crystal said. She's not up to coming out.. 克莉斯朵說她不願出來...
Nikki: Are you alright? 你還好嗎?(Nikki問的是Dominic的情況)
Dominic:Fine. 很好.
Nikki: I know she really appreciated everything you were doing for her. 我曉得她很感激你為她做的一切.
Dominic: I don't know about that. I think it might be better to have another personal officer. Someone who is… I don't know! 我不知道.或許該另找一位個人獄官.一個比較....我不知道.
Nikki: Less involved! 比較沒有付出情感的人.
Dominic: If you can't step back from it, you hand it over to someone else, it's a good rule.. 如果感情不能抽離,最好轉交給別人.這是很好的規定....
Nikki: What's more important, though? That someone that has had nothing but shit all her life finds a little bit of luck at the last minute. Or that you have the satisfaction of knowing you haven't broken any rules. What I'm saying is “Don't beat yourself about it!!” 那什麼是重要的?在她悲慘的一生中,終於在最後一刻找到小小的幸福?還是,你慶幸沒有違反規定?我認為,你不該自我設限.
Nikki: Didn't see you at lunch. 沒看到妳用中餐.
Babara: I wasn't hungry. 我不餓.
Nikki: Come on! Speak it out! It's Dockey, isn't it? 算了!說吧!是杜,對不對?
Babara: She's got my notebook. 她拿走我的筆記本.
Nikki: I see. Didn't think she'd know a word like I'm trust worthy. 原來如此.看不出來她有相信裡面的內容,例如我很值得信任.
Babara: And I can't report her because there are things about the screws. 我不能告發她,因為書裡也寫到獄官.
Nikki: You wouldn't want to do that, anyway. If you grass, wouldn't just be Dockley who's on your back. 不必告發.如果抖出來,找碴的人就不只是杜而已.
Babara: Then, What do I do? 我該怎麼辦?
Nikki: I would offer to go and kick her face for you but…我願意幫妳去扁她,但....
Babara:No, I know you got to keep out of trouble if you are going to appeal. 不,我了解妳要準備上訴就不能惹事生非.
Nikki: Not just that! Look! It would only put her off for a while. She'd catch you on your own at some point. You have to take her on yourself. 不只如此.聽著!我只能擋她一陣子.她遲早會再找上妳.妳必須自己制住她.(這一集的重點,就是得自己面對)
Babara: Yeah! I can just see that, me, a 50 yrs woman fight Shell Dockley. 是哦!我一個50歲的女人去對抗雪兒杜.
Nikki:Whatever. You can't keep running away or she'll make your life hell. 不管怎樣,妳不能一直躲避,要不然她會讓妳生不如死.
Shell: So. What's it like sharing a cell with Wade, then? 和魏當室友是什麼感覺?
Babara: Fine! 很好!
Shell: Just that I thought lesbians give you the creeps. Babes reckons that if you could meet a nice young man that all. Your problem will be solved. 我想拉子有騷擾過妳.芭芭拉認為如果妳能碰上一個好男人,就能解決妳的問題.
Nikki: I think you'll find your information is a bit of out of date, right? Barbara? 妳的消息有點過時了,對不對,芭芭拉?
Babara: Yes! 沒錯!
Nikki: Why don't you tell us where you got this from? Dockley. 妳為什麼不告訴大家這些話是打那兒來?姓杜的.
Shell: Alright, I will. I nicked a little diary, didn't I? Cause I didn't see how it was right to see this bleeding nuter stand around making notes on all of us without us having a right to see them. 好,我說.我偷看了一本日記.因為沒有道理讓一個混蛋紀錄我們的事,卻不讓我們看.
Crystal: What ain't right is you nicking someone's diary. That's their private thoughts, isn't it? 妳偷看日記就是犯錯.這是別人私隱私權.
Shell: Oh! So it's alright for you to sit here being all nice to Zan. What's she really thinking is you deserved to have your baby being taken off you. 噢,妳坐在這裡對珊德拉好就沒事.她可是認為妳活該被搶走孩子.
Babara: How dare you! Use Zandra to get at back me like that. Why don't you go and get the notebook. Shell? Then, you can show them all in black and white. She won't, because the she' ll see all the other things, I wrote about you.妳真大膽!竟然利用珊德拉來攻擊我.妳為什麼不把筆記本拿過來,雪兒?把所有的是非供出來.她不敢,因為她會看見從頭到尾我是怎麼寫妳(Zan).
But it's true, I did write those things she said. But it was stupid, it was ignorant and it was before I got to know you all. The only person I haven't changed my mind about is you. You are a psychopathy, and you are cruel and you are spiteful. 確實,我寫了她講得那些句子.那很愚蠢,很無知,那些都是我真正認識妳(Zan)之前寫的.唯一一位我沒有改變印象的就是妳(Shell).妳是精神病,既殘酷又惡毒.
Shell: You had better get out of here now before I cut your smug little face up. 妳最好離開,免得我割掉妳的一臉得意.
Zandra: She ain't going nowhere! This is my party and I can ask who I want. It's you to that can piss off, Shell! 她不必離開!這是我的派對,由我邀請.妳才是該滾開的人,雪兒! (這個女生在最後一刻發出無比光彩.)
Shell: Suits me! It's boring, anyway. It's like being at a bloody funeral. 隨便!反正很無聊.好像參加喪禮.
矮茱高興得說:"It's vibrating! 在震動了!" Nikki此時竟跑出一句:"I've got to get me one of those! 我一定要給自己弄一台." 太好笑了!難怪213要逃出去找Helen.
"The good thing about knowing you're gonna die is that you get to say stuff that you wouldn't get away with if you were still alive.
I can just picture you all sitting there - my mates, and all the screws, old Bodybag, and Mr Fenner eyeing up all the women when he thinks the Gov's not looking.
I want to say thanks to all my special mates for sticking by me. Denny, who ain't the brightest person in the world, but who always made me laugh. The 2 Julies, for being like a mum to me. Mr McAllister, I'm sure he won't mind me calling him Dominic. Dominic you stuck by me and got me off the smack. But most of all, Crystal, my best friend. She helped me not to be afraid of dying. Love you Crystal.
I done a lot of bad things in my life that I ain't proud of, the best thing I ever did was have my baby, Robbie, but I even messed that up in the end. I'd like to hold him one last time, tell him how sorry I am and how much I love him, but I can't. I hope one day one of my mates can tell him instead.
PS I want you to sing Kumbayah when you finish this. Not because I like it, but I remember how it used to drive old Bodybag mad when you sang it all the time.
Shell: I'm going back to my cell now, see if I can remember where I hid that nice sharp razor blade. 我要回房了,看看找不找得到我藏的小尖刀.
Nikki: Dockley, do us all a favor, when you find it, use it on yourself. 姓杜的,拜託妳,找到刀子,請自行享用.
Zandra離開,補上新人Shaz.小朋友還當監獄是夏令營.倒是Di介紹室友時:"Crystal's got religion; and Denny - Denny's got charm. 克莉斯朵很虔誠,而丹妮....丹妮有魅力" 真奇怪,她怎麼能預知Denny和Shaz會成為一對?
Nikki: Right! It's your chance. 快!這是妳的機會.
Babara: I can't ! 我不行.
Nikki: It's all bluff. Babara. Even with her. Just act confident. She got shit for brains. You can out do her any day, okay! I'll be waiting outside. You've got to face her on your own. 都是唬人的,芭芭拉.對她也是.自信一點.她現在精神差,妳可以制服她.我會在外面等.妳要自己面對她.
Shell: Nice to see you, Babes! What can I do you for? 妳好嗎,親愛的.有何指教?
Babara: You can give me back my notebook. 筆記本還我.
Shell: Go on, then! I have finished it, anyway. Well! Hurry up or I'll change me. Mind..... Too late, I just have----.拿去啊!反正我唸完了.快啊,免得我改變主意.......來不及了,我要....
Babara: Nikki! 尼琪!
Shell: Shame! Looks like she's chickened out. I tell you what, made a good bedtime reading, special the bit about your old man, Peter. I bet he wasn't dying of cancer, was he? I bet you just got sick of him. Now! Why would that be, Babes? Wasn't he giving you any…? 可惜!她落跑了.我告訴妳最好的睡前故事是妳家老頭,彼得.他不是死於癌症吧?是妳厭倦他吧.為什麼呢,親愛的?他給妳....?
Babara: Don't you dare even say his name. Not ever. 妳不配稱呼他的名諱.別想.
我很欣賞Bad Girls Annex發表的Judgment Day所做的劇本分析.借取幾個重點來發揮.「事實/真相」是這一集最強的主題.一開始便點出Babara猶如不定時炸彈的日記.她紀載的觀點隨著時間而變化,如果只看某一個時間點來評判,就會限於一時的好惡,沒有全貌.是不是很像判官的生死簿?Babara始終不了解日記的強大力量,落到像Shell這種壞人,就容易受到曲解,製造破壞.結果,在第三季又引起一次危機.
Judgment Day還點出一個真相.Zandra與Dominic一直若隱若現的情愫.Zandra至少把握機會,該說該吻都做了,算是美夢成真,死而無憾.連Nikki都勸他要開懷擁抱.可惜,他最放不開,所以這一集他最痛苦.
Bad Girls Annex提醒我們注意Shell名字的來源.Shell是Michelle的簡稱,原有"who is like/resembles God 宛如上帝"的意思.她也一直自以為是.在Crystal第一次入獄時,Shell對她嗆聲:"In here, I'm God. Remember it! 在這裡,我毫是上帝.記住這一點!" 我想到了這一集,大家都已置之不理.

Jim: Come on! Dockley, get a move on. 快點!杜,動作快.
Nikki: Are you gonna go in there and give her a hand, Sir. ? 你要不要進去助她一臂之力,長官? (有人提醒我要注意這句的性暗示)
Jim: Shut up! Wade. 閉嘴!魏.
Shell: I really appreciated all the support I have been given, Sir. I won't let you and Miss Bett down. I promise. 很感謝你對我所有的協助,長官.我保證不會讓你和貝女士失望.
Jim: Cut off the speeches, Dockley. There's no Oscars in here. 別再演講了,杜.這又不是奧斯卡頒獎典禮.

Nikki: The place won't be the same without you. 這裡少了妳還真不一樣.
Shell: Oh! BaBes. Don't worry! I'll keep in touch. 哦!寶貝,別擔心!我會保持聯絡.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Babara: Oh! I forget my notebook. I think I'll just go back and get it. 我忘了帶筆記本.我要回去拿.
Nikki: Still recording that our "diet" for, Babes. 還在紀錄我們的伙食啊,親愛的.
Babara: Absolutely. 當然.
Nikki: Saving your place in the queue. 我幫妳留位置.

Babara: What do you think what you are doing? 妳在做什麼?
Shell: Having a good read. 好好欣賞.
Babara:You got no right. 妳沒有權力看.
Shell: Oh! Really? I got every right. After all it's some of its about me, isn't it? Oh, Yeah. Here we are. Shell Dockley is definitely a psychopathy. That's not very nice, is it? BaBes. 是嗎?我當然有.畢竟有些內容寫到了我.哦,就是這裡."雪兒杜根本是精神病." 很不厚道,不是嗎?親愛的.
Babara: Give it back! 還給我!
Shell: I think we have forgotten manners, haven't we? What do you say? 妳忘了禮貌,是嗎?該怎麼說?
Babara: Please! 請還我!
Shell: Afraid I can't. I haven't finished it. 恕難從命.我還沒讀完.
Babara: I'll report you. 我要告發妳.
Shell: Who to? Hollamby? that idle good for nothing beggar. 向誰?何女士?不過是浪費時間.

Zandra: Sometimes I ... 有時候我.....
Dominic: What? 什麼事?
Zandra: Sometimes I daydream about what things could have been like if I didn't have this. I'd have got clean, I'd have finished my sentence, and then ... when I got out, maybe ...有時候我會想像,如果沒有發生這些事會怎麼樣?我戒了毒,服完刑....等我出去,或許....
Dominic 點點頭,盡在不言中.
Zandra: Don't s'pose it would have worked, would it? 說不定會有結果,對吧?
Dominic: Don't s'pose. [pausing] It might've. 不是說不定,是很可能.
Dominic: I shouldn'ta done that. Sorry. 我不該這樣做.對不起.(這句話與Nikki第一次意外吻起Helen的台詞一模一樣)
Zandra: Don't be. At least one of my dreams came true. 別說對不起.至少,我有一個夢想成真了.(Dominic比當時的Nikki幸運多了.Helen當時責怪Nikki,那像Zandra高興都來不及.)

Nikki: How's Zandara today, then? 珊德拉今天如何?
Dominic: Crystal said. She's not up to coming out.. 克莉斯朵說她不願出來...
Nikki: Are you alright? 你還好嗎?(Nikki問的是Dominic的情況)
Dominic:Fine. 很好.
Nikki: I know she really appreciated everything you were doing for her. 我曉得她很感激你為她做的一切.
Dominic: I don't know about that. I think it might be better to have another personal officer. Someone who is… I don't know! 我不知道.或許該另找一位個人獄官.一個比較....我不知道.
Nikki: Less involved! 比較沒有付出情感的人.

Nikki: What's more important, though? That someone that has had nothing but shit all her life finds a little bit of luck at the last minute. Or that you have the satisfaction of knowing you haven't broken any rules. What I'm saying is “Don't beat yourself about it!!” 那什麼是重要的?在她悲慘的一生中,終於在最後一刻找到小小的幸福?還是,你慶幸沒有違反規定?我認為,你不該自我設限.

Nikki: Didn't see you at lunch. 沒看到妳用中餐.
Babara: I wasn't hungry. 我不餓.
Nikki: Come on! Speak it out! It's Dockey, isn't it? 算了!說吧!是杜,對不對?
Babara: She's got my notebook. 她拿走我的筆記本.
Nikki: I see. Didn't think she'd know a word like I'm trust worthy. 原來如此.看不出來她有相信裡面的內容,例如我很值得信任.
Babara: And I can't report her because there are things about the screws. 我不能告發她,因為書裡也寫到獄官.
Nikki: You wouldn't want to do that, anyway. If you grass, wouldn't just be Dockley who's on your back. 不必告發.如果抖出來,找碴的人就不只是杜而已.
Babara: Then, What do I do? 我該怎麼辦?
Nikki: I would offer to go and kick her face for you but…我願意幫妳去扁她,但....
Babara:No, I know you got to keep out of trouble if you are going to appeal. 不,我了解妳要準備上訴就不能惹事生非.
Nikki: Not just that! Look! It would only put her off for a while. She'd catch you on your own at some point. You have to take her on yourself. 不只如此.聽著!我只能擋她一陣子.她遲早會再找上妳.妳必須自己制住她.(這一集的重點,就是得自己面對)
Babara: Yeah! I can just see that, me, a 50 yrs woman fight Shell Dockley. 是哦!我一個50歲的女人去對抗雪兒杜.
Nikki:Whatever. You can't keep running away or she'll make your life hell. 不管怎樣,妳不能一直躲避,要不然她會讓妳生不如死.

Shell: So. What's it like sharing a cell with Wade, then? 和魏當室友是什麼感覺?
Babara: Fine! 很好!
Shell: Just that I thought lesbians give you the creeps. Babes reckons that if you could meet a nice young man that all. Your problem will be solved. 我想拉子有騷擾過妳.芭芭拉認為如果妳能碰上一個好男人,就能解決妳的問題.
Nikki: I think you'll find your information is a bit of out of date, right? Barbara? 妳的消息有點過時了,對不對,芭芭拉?
Babara: Yes! 沒錯!
Nikki: Why don't you tell us where you got this from? Dockley. 妳為什麼不告訴大家這些話是打那兒來?姓杜的.

Crystal: What ain't right is you nicking someone's diary. That's their private thoughts, isn't it? 妳偷看日記就是犯錯.這是別人私隱私權.
Shell: Oh! So it's alright for you to sit here being all nice to Zan. What's she really thinking is you deserved to have your baby being taken off you. 噢,妳坐在這裡對珊德拉好就沒事.她可是認為妳活該被搶走孩子.
Babara: How dare you! Use Zandra to get at back me like that. Why don't you go and get the notebook. Shell? Then, you can show them all in black and white. She won't, because the she' ll see all the other things, I wrote about you.妳真大膽!竟然利用珊德拉來攻擊我.妳為什麼不把筆記本拿過來,雪兒?把所有的是非供出來.她不敢,因為她會看見從頭到尾我是怎麼寫妳(Zan).
But it's true, I did write those things she said. But it was stupid, it was ignorant and it was before I got to know you all. The only person I haven't changed my mind about is you. You are a psychopathy, and you are cruel and you are spiteful. 確實,我寫了她講得那些句子.那很愚蠢,很無知,那些都是我真正認識妳(Zan)之前寫的.唯一一位我沒有改變印象的就是妳(Shell).妳是精神病,既殘酷又惡毒.
Shell: You had better get out of here now before I cut your smug little face up. 妳最好離開,免得我割掉妳的一臉得意.
Zandra: She ain't going nowhere! This is my party and I can ask who I want. It's you to that can piss off, Shell! 她不必離開!這是我的派對,由我邀請.妳才是該滾開的人,雪兒! (這個女生在最後一刻發出無比光彩.)
Shell: Suits me! It's boring, anyway. It's like being at a bloody funeral. 隨便!反正很無聊.好像參加喪禮.

矮茱高興得說:"It's vibrating! 在震動了!" Nikki此時竟跑出一句:"I've got to get me one of those! 我一定要給自己弄一台." 太好笑了!難怪213要逃出去找Helen.

"The good thing about knowing you're gonna die is that you get to say stuff that you wouldn't get away with if you were still alive.
I can just picture you all sitting there - my mates, and all the screws, old Bodybag, and Mr Fenner eyeing up all the women when he thinks the Gov's not looking.
I want to say thanks to all my special mates for sticking by me. Denny, who ain't the brightest person in the world, but who always made me laugh. The 2 Julies, for being like a mum to me. Mr McAllister, I'm sure he won't mind me calling him Dominic. Dominic you stuck by me and got me off the smack. But most of all, Crystal, my best friend. She helped me not to be afraid of dying. Love you Crystal.

PS I want you to sing Kumbayah when you finish this. Not because I like it, but I remember how it used to drive old Bodybag mad when you sang it all the time.

Shell: I'm going back to my cell now, see if I can remember where I hid that nice sharp razor blade. 我要回房了,看看找不找得到我藏的小尖刀.
Nikki: Dockley, do us all a favor, when you find it, use it on yourself. 姓杜的,拜託妳,找到刀子,請自行享用.


Nikki: Right! It's your chance. 快!這是妳的機會.
Babara: I can't ! 我不行.
Nikki: It's all bluff. Babara. Even with her. Just act confident. She got shit for brains. You can out do her any day, okay! I'll be waiting outside. You've got to face her on your own. 都是唬人的,芭芭拉.對她也是.自信一點.她現在精神差,妳可以制服她.我會在外面等.妳要自己面對她.
Shell: Nice to see you, Babes! What can I do you for? 妳好嗎,親愛的.有何指教?
Babara: You can give me back my notebook. 筆記本還我.
Shell: Go on, then! I have finished it, anyway. Well! Hurry up or I'll change me. Mind..... Too late, I just have----.拿去啊!反正我唸完了.快啊,免得我改變主意.......來不及了,我要....

Babara: Nikki! 尼琪!
Shell: Shame! Looks like she's chickened out. I tell you what, made a good bedtime reading, special the bit about your old man, Peter. I bet he wasn't dying of cancer, was he? I bet you just got sick of him. Now! Why would that be, Babes? Wasn't he giving you any…? 可惜!她落跑了.我告訴妳最好的睡前故事是妳家老頭,彼得.他不是死於癌症吧?是妳厭倦他吧.為什麼呢,親愛的?他給妳....?
Babara: Don't you dare even say his name. Not ever. 妳不配稱呼他的名諱.別想.