編劇從第三季開始採取另一種策略,大部份的時候,Nikki-Helen的故事比重被大幅縮減,免得其他演員都變成她們倆人的配角,但是到了每一季的開頭或結尾,又利用倆人的故事拿來製造高潮,操作的痕跡非常明顯.還好最後是Happy Ending,要不然十年後的歷史,恐怕不是美名,而是惡名.

Dominic:You alright, Nikki? 妳還好嗎,尼琪?
Nikki:No. 不好.
Dominic:I thought you'd be celebrating now Jim Fenner's gone. 我以為妳會很慶幸吉姆費拿離開了.
Nikki:Yeah? Well maybe I'll crack the champagne open later. 是嗎?好吧,我待會開香檳來慶祝.
Dominic: One for you. 有封妳的信.
Nikki:What? 什麼?


Jim:I was set up. Dockley's been chucking herself at me for months. 我是被陷害.姓杜的一直挑逗我好幾個月.
Marilyn:Oh, and you just couldn't resist. 噢,你就是情不自禁.
Jim:I tried, but she just kept on and on at me, day in, day out, innuendo, propositions 我試過啊,但她日以繼夜,又嘲諷又拉攏,向我不斷進攻.
Marilyn:Oh, I understand you couldn't help yourself, could you? 噢,我了解了,你就是抗拒不了,對吧?
Jim: Most men wouldn't last a week inside Larkhall. 絕大部份男人到了拉寇,一個星期就會淪陷.(這是在抬舉Shell,還是在拉Dominic一起下水?
Marilyn: You'll have to get another bloody job. 你得另外找個糊口的差事.
Jim: Get real, Marilyn. Ex-Prison Officers aren't exactly in great demand, especially when they're being booted out of the service......Look, if you don't help me out of this mess, we're in deep shit. 看清楚,瑪麗蓮,退職獄官並不是那麼受歡迎,更何況是被踢出來的.聽著,如果妳不幫我離開這淌渾水,我們都會有大麻煩.
Jim Fenner所謂的大麻煩就是家中經濟斷援.很多女人為了維持現有的生活,常放任先生以家計為由行變相勒索.他最胡扯的一招,居然是要他太太寫信給Shell,以咒罵的口吻,讓Shell誤以為Jim為了她而離開元配.
Jim: Look, she's gonna believe it if it comes from you and, if she believes it, maybe she'll do something about it. 如果是妳寫給她,她可能會相信;如果她信以為真,她可能會回應.
Marilyn: Well, she's not going to drop the charges, not after what you did to her. 喂,在你那樣對待她之後,她不會撤銷告訴.

Simon: Perhaps now that certain personalities have gone, things should quieten down a little on the wing. 或許某個角色離開,獄中就能恢復一點平靜.
Karen: You mean Jim..? 你是指吉姆....? (說得好!)
Simon: Well, actually, I was referring to Helen Stewart. 其實,我是指海倫司徒.
Karen: Oh.... Can I ask, er, why Helen resigned? 噢,請問海倫為何辭職?
Simon: You know how should we put it. Man-management problems, usual thing. She never really got the support she needed from those below her, but I know you won't have that problem. 我該怎麼說,人事的管理,老問題.她從沒有得到背後團隊的支持,但我想妳應該沒問題. (Simon指的Man-management,恐怕不是單指字面的人事的管理,還有點暗指管不住男性員工的意味.)

"Now, I know this has come as a bit of a surprise to some of you, but I'm not going to make any apologies. I've been appointed to the job, and it's the job I want to do, and I'm going to do. Now, I'm not someone who's soft on inmates, but I will not tolerate lazy, negative officers, either. Oh, and one other thing, if you've got a problem tell me to my face, ok?
Karen的一席話,真是豪氣干雲,確實展現她是絕佳接替人選.但,怎麼也沒想到,她後來竟和Jim Fenner在一起....

Shell收到信,看到她太太怨她:"You'll be glad to know that Jim has now left me. He says he feels nothing for me anymore, and he says the only woman he cares about is you. 吉姆離開我,妳樂了吧.他說他對我已沒有感情,他說他只在意妳." 這種鬼話沒幾個人會相信,問題是Shell竟然中了計,更大的問題是:Marilyn竟願寫出這種內容!

Shell: I made a pass at him. More than once as a matter of fact, and he didn't wanna know. I hated him. 是我引誘他.且還不止一次,但他不想.我恨他.
Karen: I'm sorry this is ridiculous. 對不起,這真是胡扯.
Shell: It's true! 是真的!
Simon: Carry on Michelle. 繼續說,蜜雪兒.
Shell: Anyway, he came to see me, to tell me it had to stop. I was so angr I just lost it. I lashed out at him, really went for him, and he threw me off. That's how I got the bruises..... I'm really sorry, Sir. 總之,他來找我,告訴我要住手.我氣得失去理智.我猛打他,全力打他,他把我摔開.我才因此瘀青.....我真的很對不起,長官.
Karen: Why the sudden guilt trip ,Shell? 怎麼突然良心發現,雪兒?
Shell: It ain't sudden, I've been worrying about it for ages. 不是突然產生的,我擔心很久了.

Shell: Well, I wouldn't have lied in the first place, if you hadn't.....如果不是妳曾...我不會一開始就說謊?
Karen: If I hadn't what?! 我曾做什麼?!
Shell: Well, it was you who put the idea into me head, asking me if it was an officer who done it, telling me how to report it. 是妳讓我有那種想法,問我是否是獄官做的,還告訴我如何報告.
Karen: I didn't tell you to lie! 我沒叫妳說謊!
Karen原本堅持要調查,但Simon趁Shell翻供撤了Jim Fenner的案子.第一次能扳倒他的機會,就這麼因為Shell放手而棄.


Yvonne: Listen, you tell her that I fixed it for her, for her kids to visit her next week. 妳告訴她,我會安排她的小孩下週來探望.
矮茱: You what? You ain't, How'd you manage that? 什麼?不會吧,妳怎麼辦到?
Yvonne: My Charlie's gonna sort it. 我的查理會搞定.
矮茱: Oh, Yvonne, you're a doll!'Ere, Nik, Nik, you hear this, Yvonne's fixed it to have Julie's kids brung in! 哦,伊芳,妳真棒!(轉向Nikki) 嗯,尼,尼,妳聽聽,伊芳要安排高茱的小孩進來.(Nikki終於第二次露臉,好像跑龍套的角色)
Yvonne: Oi, don't go broadcasting it! My Lauren's taking a risk here. 喂,別嚷嚷!我的羅倫正在冒風險.
Nikki: What's it got to do with your Lauren? 這事和妳的羅倫有何干係?
Yvonne: She's fetching them in. 她會帶他們來.
Nikki: How's she gonna do that, then stick a couple of sacks over their heads and sling them in the boot of a car? 她要怎麼辦,把麻袋套在他們頭上,塞在車後行李箱?
Yvonne: No. 不是.
矮茱: No, but, Yvonne, how is she gonna bring them in? 不,可是伊芳,她如何把他們帶來?
Yvonne: Julie has to send Lauren a Visiting Order. Then, when they go to the funeral, she goes over to Martin and Rhiannon, and asks them if they wanna visit their mum. 高茱可對羅倫提出探訪申請.他們去喪禮時,她會去找馬丁及瑞娜,問他們要不要來看媽媽.
Nikki: And what if they don't want to? 如果他們不想來呢?
Yvonne: Well, if they don't want to visit their mum, I can't wave a magic wand, can I? 如果他們不想來見自己的母親,我也無法可施,對吧?
矮茱: Yeah, but no trouble, eh, I don't want Ju getting upset. 別麻煩了,我不想讓高茱難過.
Yvonne: Listen, I'm trying to do your pal a favour there. You wanna forget it, you just say the word. 聽著,我只是想妳們個忙.妳們不想,就說一聲吧.(唉,熱臉貼冷屁股)

Bodybag: Who are those two children sitting with Julie Johnston? 和高茱坐在一起的那二個,是誰家的小孩?
Dominic:Dunno. 不曉得
Bodybag: Well, they're not her children surely. I know, for a fact, she's barred from seeing them, by a court order. 那不該是她的子女.就我所知,法令是禁止她與小孩見面.
高茱: I'm so sorry, but I'll make it up to ya, I promise I will! 我對不起你們,但我會補償的,我發誓一定會!
Bodybag: Excuse me do you mind telling me who these children are. 請告訴我這是那家的小孩.
高茱: This is a private conversation! 這是私人談話!
Bodybag: Are they yours? 是妳的嗎?
Martin: Yes, we are. 沒錯.
Bodybag: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 對不堯,我得請你們離開.
Yvonne: Leave them alone, you fat cow! 放他們一馬,妳這母豬!(我不想再翻成母牛,母豬比較像我們罵人的用詞)
高茱: Please, let them stay till the end, Mrs Hollamby! 拜託,讓我們講完,何女士!
Lauren: Leave it, will you, what harm's it doing? 放一馬,好嗎,沒什麼大礙嘛!
Bodybag: They've no right to be here in the first place, it's in breach of a court order, come on, up. 他們根本不能進來,這是法令.快點,站起來.
Martin: Mum! 媽!
高茱: Visit's nearly up, they'll be gone in a few minutes! 會面時間快結束了,他們就差幾分鐘要走了!
Bodybag: Can I have some assistance over here, please? ..... And you, stay put. 幾個人過來幫我一下?......妳,放手.
高茱: No, wait, I want to say goodbye to them properly! 不,等等,我想好好地向他們道別!
Bodybag: Hurry along! Move it! Come on! 快點!拉走!快!
高茱: I want to say goodbye to them properly please don't take them away again. 我想好好地向他們道別,求你別再帶走他們.(獄官硬生生地把高茱架走.)

Jim: Hello, Nikki. 嗨,尼琪.
Nikii: How the hell d' you wangle your way back in? 你天殺地幹嘛要逃回來?
Jim: Did you miss me? 妳有沒有想我啊?
Nikii: Oh, I get it. There's been a cover-up. I might've known. 哦,我懂了.這叫障眼法,我應該早猜到.
Jim: Shut it, Wade. You're not teacher's pet anymore, now your little Miss Stewart's gone. So, you'd better keep that nice and clean, mm? 閉嘴,姓魏的,自從妳的司徒小姐走了,妳不再是班上的金童.妳最好別惹事生非,嗯?

Nikki: He's an evil bastard. 他是邪惡的混蛋
Yvonne: Yeah what with him, and what with Hollamby 呀,他是啊,姓何的也是
矮茱: Oh, she did it out of spite, no other reason. 噢,她就是想刁難,沒別的原因.
Zandra: Fat slag! 人渣!
Yvonne: Did you see the smile on her face? She loved every minute of it. 看到她臉上的笑容嗎?她可真
矮茱: Evil, she is. Bleeding evil. 她是壞蛋.該死的壞蛋

Yvonne: Oh, I dunno about that. There are ways and means to get back at them. 噢,我不這麼想.還有很多報復的法子.

Jim:.....Do you really think I'd leave my wife for a little slut like you hmm? 妳真以為,我會為了像妳這樣的婊子而離開我太太?
Shell: You bastard. I'm going straight to the Governor. 你混蛋.我要告到典獄長那兒.
Jim: Oh, yeah what are you gonna tell him, you've changed your mind, again? I don't think he's gonna believe you somehow. In fact, I don't think anyone's gonna believe a single word you ever say again, so you'd better be on your best behaviour, sweetheart! 噢,妳要說什麼,妳改變心意了--又改了?他不會再信任妳了.其實,沒有人會再相信妳說的任何一個字,所以妳最好安份點,甜心!

Karen: I told you not to go into Dockley's room on your own. 我告訴你別單獨進入杜的囚室.
Jim: We just had a chat, that's all. Clear the air. Let her know there's no hard feelings. 我們只是聊一下而己.作個澄清.讓她不要有芥蒂.
Karen: You think you can get away with anything, don't you? I know you hit Dockley and somehow, I don't know how, you got to her. 你以為可以全身而退,是嗎?我知道你打了杜,而且,我不知你怎麼辦到,她就是著了你的道.
Jim: I hope you're prepared to put your theory to the test, or else my union....我希望妳能證實妳的理論,要不然我復職....
Karen: If I were you, I'd consider applying for a transfer. 如果我是你,我會考慮轉調.
Jim: Would you, now? 是嗎,現在?
Karen: I don't want you on my wing, I don't trust you! 我不要你留在這裡,我不信任你!
Jim: Well, that's a shame, cause I'm staying put. 不好意思,因為我打算留下來.
Karen: In that case, you'd better hang on tight, you're in for a rough ride. 若是如此,你的皮最好繃緊一點,不會讓你好過.

Nikki: Careful! You alright? 小心點!妳站得穩嗎?(Nikki拉了一下,但好意到此為止)
Bodybag: I'm alright, course I'm perfectly alright! 我沒事,我站得很穩!
Crystal: Floor a bit wet, is it, Miss? 地板有點濕滑,是吧,長官?
Bodybag: No, I'm perfectly alright! 才不呢,我站得很穩!
Zandra: Nearly went arse over bollocks there, Miss! 差點要趺得屁股朝天了,長官!(這是文雅版,我還真不知道該如何翻譯這句粗話.)
Bodybag: That's enough of that....真是夠了....

2 意見:
You had Jim Fenner hung drawn and quartered, and there he is, totally vindicated.
"hung drawn and quartered"