Rough Justice這個片語有時譯成「草率處罰」,但譯成「粗糙的正義」更能傳達這一集的主題.對於正義,拉寇大多數的犯人採用自力救濟的方式,但是風險極高,這些人進到監獄就是個明證.但是編劇常常突顯獄中的自力救濟,不是查無實證,就是大家心知肚明,最後不了了之.這一集Renee被群體念力「致死」就是再一次例證.
本集Jim Fenner與Yvonne對待Renee的方式是絕佳對比.Fenner明的是用司法的權限,暗中卻用非法暴力恐嚇,讓Renee不敢過於囂張.Yvonne用非法手段,卻把一樁下毒謀殺案利用食物過敏偷渡成意外事件.不論用那一種方式,觀眾內心裡可能都對Renee的下場暗自叫好,恐怕還慶幸最後調查不了了之.觀眾在螢幕下期待逍遙法外的心理才是觀賞犯罪影片最顛覆之處.

Dominic: Helen! 海倫!
Helen: Hello, Dominic! 嗨,多明尼克!
Dominic: Does that mean you're back now? 妳要回來了嗎?
Helen: Yep! 是啊!
Dominic: Oh! That's good. I guess I'll be seeing you around then. 噢!很好.我會常遇見妳了.
Helen: Yeah! Definitely. 當然.
Dominic還在餘光打量,被Di看見打趣地說:" You should be working, not eyeing at woman. 你該工作,而不是瞄著女人看." (有時候,透過別人的眼睛才能看見自己的慾望.)

Nikki: Helen! When did you come in? 海倫!什麼時候進來的?
Helen: This morning! I've got meetings all day. 今天早上!我一整天都要開會.
Nikki: You have long? 會進行很久?
Helen: I have set up a lifer group. We are going to be seeing a lot more of each other. 我要成立終生監禁受刑人團體.我們將會常常見面.
Nikki: In private, I hope. 我希望是私下見面.(誰不希望?)
Helen: You are going to have to keep your hormones under control, Nikki. Listen! I got some good news. I sent a copy of your file to a lawyer friend of mine. She wants to meet you. 妳得控制一下自己的賀爾蒙,尼琪.我有個好消息給妳.我把妳的檔案影本寄給我一位律師朋友.她想見見妳.
Nikki: She knows about my case? 她知道我的案子?
Helen: She thinks you could appeal your sentence. 她認為妳可以上訴.
Nikki: I can't believe it, you're joking. Wait till Fenner hears this. 真不敢相信,妳開玩笑吧.費拿聽到時不知會如何.
Helen: Don't wind them up! I kind of broke the rules when I photocopied your file. Listen! We got a long way to go. So, don't get your hopes too high. 別說出去.我影印妳的檔案多少是違反規定的.我們還有很長的一段路要走.別抱太大的希望.
Nikki: Yeah! But just to even have a hope. 是的!連個希望都不行.
Helen: I've got to go. I got more meetings. I'll see you tomorrow. 我得走了.還有很多會要開.明天見.
Nikki: Yeah. 好吧.


接著他故意把她的用品倒出來,美其名為:"It's my job to act on my suspicions. 只要有嫌疑,我就得動手." 標準的私刑作風.但是Renee還不是陽奉陰違.


Helen: Morning! Just take a seat. Are you the last one? OK!早安!請坐.妳是最後一位嗎?好了!
Shaz : Alright. Miss. 好了.長官.
Helen: Yeah! So my name is Helen Stewart for those that don't know me. I suppose I'm about to start by letting you all know what I'm doing here! Basically, it's going to my job to represent you as a special group within the prison service, make sure your particular needs as lifers are being taken into account by the management staff.
Shaz : That ain't happening now. We are being treated just like the bed and breakfast girls, aren't we? 不可能.我們只能有簡單的住宿和飲食,不是嗎?
("bed and breakfast"本意是指民宿旅遊,但這裡是指字面上的意義:床與早餐)
Helen: You will need to maximize your chances of every release. So we are going to look at your offending behavior and make sure you are ready for review and parole boarding interviews.
Shell : You are going to represent us? Can you give us a wet dryer, say under a week …妳要代表我們?能不能在一個星期弄一台烘乾機
Nikki: Stupid tart! Shut it! Will you? 笨蛋!閉嘴!好嗎? (Nikki忍不住要當Helen老師的風紀股長)

Nikki: Sorry! 對不起!
Helen: Can we move on from here, please. I know you are all at different stages in your sentence. You Sharon. 我們開始吧.妳們的服刑情況都不同.妳是莎朗.
Shaz : Shaz. Miss, call me Shaz. 夏茲,請叫我夏茲
Helen: Shaz, you're just starting out. Whereas Shell, you've already had your first progress report. 夏茲,妳才剛服刑.而雪兒,妳的第一份進度報告已完成了.
Helen: What I want you all to do is fill up these questionnaires. It just helps me to draw up individual programs for you all. They are pretty straightforward. But if you got any trouble reading them or you need a hand to fill it out, you just let me know.
Shell : Well! This is a first , ain't it? Being asked what we think. 哇!這是第一次吧?要問我們的意見.
Helen: Ok! So if you fill it out tonight. And I'll see you back here tomorrow! Thank you! 如果妳們今晚填好,明天請交來!謝謝各位!

Nikki: I'm going to phone my lawyer now about my appeal. 我要打電話找律師來上訴了.
Helen: Are you still in touch with Trish? 妳還與崔西亞有聯絡吧?
Nikki: Why? 為什麼問起?
Helen: Because you’ll need a friend outside if this goes ahead. Publicity, lobbying, that kind of thing. 因為妳需要外面的朋友進行公關遊說之類的事.
Nikki: She is still running our club. We keep in touch. 她還在經營我們的俱樂部.我們保持聯絡.
Helen: Good! 很好!
Nikki: What? Hard to believe I'm a business woman, do you? 怎麼?不敢相信我是商場女強人?

Nikki: But doing well apparently. I'm going to show you a good time when I get out. 經營得可好呢.等我出獄,我會好好招待妳.(我很好奇有那種"good time"?她的神情真讓人想入非非.)
Helen: I hope so. 我很期待. (這個近距離讓人誤以為會發生什麼驚喜.)
Dominic : Helen! 海倫! (開汽水抗議!Zandra死後,他就變得不太可愛)
Helen: Dominic. Is there something you want? 多明尼克.你要找什麼?
Dominic : I was just gonna lock up in here. 我要來關門了.
Helen: Fine! We were just leaving! 好吧!我們正要離開!

她不知情地大快朵頤,就在Di的嘮叨中猝死.我必須要說,我非常不喜歡Bad Girls處理死亡的畫面,常常是大特寫鏡頭,感覺很俗氣.


Helen: Sorry! 對不起!
Nikki: Oh! Christ. 天呀!
Helen: You are on your own. 只有妳一個人.
Nikki: The screws let Barbara out coz she makes their tea. 獄官把芭芭拉放出去泡茶.

Nikki: Yeah! My board review is in 2 months' time. My appeal might be on the way by then. 是的!我還有二個月就要開審查會.那個時候可能在上訴了.
Helen: If it's granted...... What's this? 一切順利的話.......這是什麼?(如此私密的信件竟隨手擺在床頭櫃)
Nikki: I'm not usually the soppy type, but says a lot of things I don't get a chance to say in this place. 我不是多愁善感型,但是寫了許多平常在這裡不方便表達的話.
Helen: I'll wait till I'm in bed. I'll read it then. 我會留到就寢時來讀.

Helen: Oh! Hope it's not going to go on too long? 希望不會太久?
Helen: Well! I need to meet with the lifers on Monday no matter what. 不管怎樣,週一我都得會見這些終生受刑人.
Helen: Bye, Nikki! I'll look forward to reading your views. 再見,尼琪!我很期待妳評論.
Nikki: Yeah, I mean every word. 字字都是肺腑之言.(Karen是聰明人,她的眼神透露出她感覺兩人關係非比尋常)

Helen: Heya, Dominic! How are you doing? 嗨,多明尼克!你好嗎?
Dominic: Bet you're not missing G wing now. 我敢說妳沒再懷念G區吧.
Helen: What? Managing you cringing, back stabbing bastards? I think not. 什麼?要管那些表面唯諾,卻背地傷人的傢伙們?我可不想.
Dominic: Well, in that case I won't tell you I've been missing you, then. 如果是這樣,我就不要說我懷念妳了.
Helen: Oh, go on! 別這樣!
Dominic: Listen! We should have a catch up drink. 我們來喝小酒聚聚.
Helen: Yeah! I want to pick your brains about Shell Dockley. 好呀!我想問你有關雪兒杜的事情.
Dominic: What about tomorrow night? We have a curry or something. 明晚如何?吃點咖喱之類的.
Helen: Yeah! Good idea. You don't mind if I take notes. 好主意.不介意到時我作筆記吧.
Dominic: I can sum up now if you like. Born abused, took drugs, committed crime, ended up in prison, same as most of the women in here. 我可以幫妳彙整:天生虐待狂、吸毒、

Claire : Pleased to meet you! 幸會!(Nikki這個角度看來人高馬大.)
Helen: I'll come back in an hour. 我一個小時候回來.
Claire: She'll be fine! 沒問題.
Nikki: I'm grateful, you know. For your interest in my case. 我很感激妳願意研究我的案子.
Claire: Well! You are the only woman in Britain serving life for murdering a police officer. It's very high profile. 妳是英國唯一一位因殺警而判終生監禁.知名度很高.
Nikki: Well! I look forward to seeing you interviewed on the telly. 我很期待看到妳在電視上接受訪問.(這種英國式幽默好酸)
Claire: Why did your defense not make you take the stand? 為何妳的辯詞不能成立?
Nikki: I'm not known for my diplomacy. 我一向不夠圓滑.
Claire: What does that mean? 此話怎說?

Claire: Have you ever had a conviction for violence? 妳承認犯罪嗎?
Helen: No convictions for anything. 完全否認.
Claire: Doesn't sound like somebody who can't control herself. I think they were wrong not to call you. It always makes you look guilty. 不像是不能自我控制的人.沒傳詢妳出庭是個錯誤.讓妳看起來像是有罪.
Nikki: Too late now. 為時已晚了.
Claire: I have been doing some preliminary inquiries about the dead police officer detective Gossard. Your defense team were denied access to some important information about him. A year before he died, his wife left him, citing mental and physical cruelty as her reasons. Seems Detective Sgt. Gossard was a man with a violent history. Did you know that? 我對被殺的警員勾煞初步調查.妳的辯護團隊要調閱他的資料被拒.他死前一年,他太太以他精神及肉體加害而求去.似乎勾煞警員有暴力前科.妳知道嗎?
Nikki: No. 我不知道.

Nikki: When I saw him lying down, I was totally shocked. But the police wouldn't believe me or Trish that the guy was trying to rape her, no matter what we said! They questioned me for hours, I just lost it. 當我看到他倒下,我呆住了.但警察不相信我和崔西亞,那傢伙想強暴她,不論我們怎麼說.他們審問我好幾個小時,我只好認輸.
Claire: Do you still have a relationship with Trish? 妳和崔西亞還有關係嗎?
Nikki: No! 沒有!
Claire: Will she testify again for you? 她會為妳作證?
Nikki: Of course! 當然!
Claire: It's nice when you can be still friends, eh? 能夠維持朋友關係是件好事,對吧?
(關於Nikki的案情,另請參考:104 The Victim 受害者)

Helen: Hi, so how did it go? 進行如何?
Claire: We've just finished. 很順利.
Nikki: I can't thank you enough. 感激不盡.
Claire: Pleasure! 我的榮幸.
Helen: Bye. I'll see you at the gate. 待會門口見.
Claire: I'll be in touch. 保持聯絡.
Helen: Thanks. 謝謝
Claire: Nice to have met you. 再見.
Helen: Well! You look pleased enough! 妳看來很高興.
Nikki: I am. The guy I killed turned out he has a record of violence. First I've heard of it, she is really good, your friend. 我很高興.我殺的那傢伙原來有暴力前科.
Helen: Yeah! 對.
Nikki: You've known her for long. 妳認識她很久了.(Nikki居然連這種社交性的吻頰禮都要吃味.)
Helen: Yonks. 對.
Nikki: Is that all she is. A friend? 她只是朋友?

Nikki: Just man. 只對男人感興趣
Helen: STOP being jealous. Look, that letter you wrote me. I feel the exactly the same! Trust me. 別再吃味了.我的感情和妳信的內容是一樣的.妳要信任我.

Shaz, Denny高興逃過一劫,但是Karen認定兩人還是得接受禁閉的處罰,而且要把她們兩個隔得越遠越好.

(或許這解釋<Nina's Heavenly Delights 蓮娜的甜美生活(2006)>( *Review)為什麼把咖哩和情慾結合在一起.)

3 意見:
我譯完E01-E04後,直接跳E11了 = =||