
<High Art 高檔貨(1998)>
我心目中的第一名Tank Top是Ally Sheedy在<High Art>的穿著.她沒有紋身或是手環,但是那個寬鬆的腰帶真有畫龍點晴之妙.這裡呈上她黑白兩款介紹.

我在這篇比較文章才說道South of Nowhere與Sugar Rush有多相像,果真連Tank Top+Tie+Tattoo

第二季出現的Saint,堪稱是把拉子所有dress code全都穿在身上:酷弊的金屬項鍊,再加上流行的領帶;吊帶褲飾;以及左臂上的刺青.



大導演的老婆Kate Capshaw要演出雙性戀,非常聰明地選擇Tank Top,外加金屬手環.重點是手環必須要寬,不能細.

Piper Perabo詮釋失戀後的狂亂,選擇的是黑色Tank Top.


同樣是無袖上衣,粗肩帶絕對比細肩帶更為中性,但是Christina Cox(左)的結實手臂為其Tank Top增加不少效果.

Nikki的胸襟過於偉大,其實是很不適合穿背心.相信劇務人員為了塑造角色的真實度,而遵守dress code.


大銀幕上,Tank Top的一代宗師.

我個人堅持一定要放這張圖片進來.Elaine Cassidy在本劇中並不飾演拉子,但這部是她Fingersmith之後的作品,一堆影迷繼續追下去,當時看見她在劇中穿了綠色背心,還起哄成立Green Vest Club.這段歷史被紀錄在Virago討論版的THe Sublime Elaine Cassidy.這可是EC影迷秘密的基地.
10 意見:
:D The word "tank top" instantly brought to my mind the image of EC in green. And I thought, no, she's going to talk about "lez in tank tops" but Amy Harris isn't lez, what a pity! When I scroll down, bingo, there she is, EC in green. What a little wonder. Great minds think alike, don't they?! ;-)
Congrads to your new blog.
Dear Lang,
You surely know what I'm thinking. I can't get rid of the image of EC in green vest. Plus, it's just the event that I officially introduced myself to you. Glad that you like this new blog. It provides the flexibility for me to write different topics in the same time. And isn't it fun to watch TLW this way?
south of nowhere S2當中ASHLEY的綠色領帶灰色tank top也超棒。加進去啦 ...
South of Nowhere已經加上了,而且意外發現我所謂的拉子3T配方.
I don't watch The L Word, but thanks anyway. Tank top is quite classic in lesbian aesthetics I must say.
Dear Lang,
We still have our own way to have fun without TLW, right? I take TLW as sparking event. Get some ideas and have some random mumbles. But speaking of lesbian aesthetics, would you have any other ideas?
"lesbian aesthetics", ah, it is a slippery concept, if not tricky. I am not sure if I am equal to decypher that. :D :D You see, once Dr. Waters was referring to that, in one of her interviews, and said "if there is such a notion" or words to that effect.
I think as aesthetics goes, it can be quite a personal experience. (I am going to say lesbianism is quite a personal experience too, just to confuse you :D) Add them together, it is an intriguing yet confusing topic.
To start with, at the moment I am re-reading Ella Maillart's "The Cruel Way", a piece of travel literature written in the 1940s, and I find it quite up to "my" lesbian aesthetics, almost as good as the little green tank top. Why? What's in common between that book and the tank top?
(I had to leave just then, let me continue now. Hope you don't mind my rambling.)
That something in common, that something, to me, is the appreciation of masculine femininity I say, the masculine femininity that is not only in physical, but also in mental being.
Have I bored you?
Masculine femininity in mental being....I think I might get the point. I would give a try.
Don't worry about it, :) I think I've made it too serious. Relax, go on, pick another tank top or dyke on bike or something, I'd like to see you gals have more fun.