由於<300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲>及<P.S. 我愛妳>(左圖是英國版的海版)在台灣相繼推出,Gerard Butler(傑瑞德巴特勒)知名度迅速提昇,<Nim's Island 尼魔島 (2008)>宣傳時居然一度把他放在前景.肌肉男不是咱家的菜,可是我想先從一個特別角度來談他的堀起:都託同志的福.

同志愛國電影:300壯士~斯巴達的逆襲就可以明白.對於女同而言,也沒有空手而回,我們的Lena Headey,才在<
Imagine Me And You 新娘向後跑(2005)>(

到了<P.S. 我愛妳>,傑瑞德巴特勒很幸運地與希拉蕊史旺對戲,她也是受女同觀眾支持的女星.看來演過女同的演員頗有旺男運.這一旺,終於讓傑瑞德巴特勒與天后茱蒂福斯特在<Nim's Island 尼魔島 (2008)>同台演出. 如果再追溯他的發跡,還應該感謝Angelina Jolie在<古墓奇兵2>便與他對戲.
雖然許多異性戀觀眾看<P.S. 我愛妳>眼淚流不停,在擤鼻涕之餘,我要提醒你,這可是骨子裡有很多同志趣味的影片.
很多國外影評都說,這是希拉蕊史旺意圖「轉型」的作品,我認為對傑瑞德巴特勒也是一樣.這部電影卻有意無意地一直提醒「轉型」是為那一樁.電影開場二人爭吵不生孩子的理由,希拉蕊史旺的角色發火了,便回嘴:「你乾脆說我是女同志好了.」 我從那一刻起便提高警覺.

演員表真令人開懷.我從來沒想到Gina Gershon也可去演甜美的姊妹淘.看到二大女同電影偶像人物並列,真是天方夜壇.我完全不想理會,別人批評Gina Gershon年紀超過,不適合演三十幾歲的好朋友.
至於Lisa Kudrow,她變成一個gay-friendly典型化的角色,她在許多影片中都與片中同志有關聯,周遭不是同志,要不就是喜歡上男同志,<The Opposite of Sex 她和他和他們之間(1998)>是代表之一.

Kathy Bates(凱西貝茲)在本片飾演母親.因為<
Fried Green Tomatoes 油炸綠番茄 (1992)>我特別留意她的演出,後來她在<Primary Colors 風起雲湧(1998)>毫不隱諱地飾演「歐蕾」配角,我在我的片單中一定為她保留一 席.看她也在本片出現,就好像暗地裡開了一場「同樂會」.
2 意見:
The following is not related to the content in your post but thought you might be interested.
Patricia Rozema, director of "When Night is Falling", has a new movie coming up this summer, called "Kit Kittredge an American Girl".
The trailer of "Four Munites" just shows up in Apple site, which will be released on April 18 in US. I've seen it. It's one of few good movies featuring lesbian theme. However, the main story isn't about that (to be more accepted in the main stream?), and the lesbian theme and the main plot looks like two parallel stories to me. Anyway, it's a good one (or maybe I'm biased ... considering classical music). Plus the poster for US release looks great! ((maybe an advertising trick to attract American moviegoers, since they seldom watch foreign movies)
"Four Munites" aka "Vier minuten" was shown in Taipei Film Festival last summer. I couldn't make it but I got the soundtrack cd already. I took a look via YouTube and expecting DVD release. Hopefully there would be blueray version then I might make up quicker mind to purchase a big HD LCD. It would be ultimate to enjoy that film.
I don't know Abigail Breslin would work with Patricia Rozema. Interesting, she is getting her way of startdom.