Amazon已預告美版DVD將於8月19日銷售,右邊就是DVD封面,由Logo代理發行.可是Logo自家的網路購物卻沒看見預購的消息.之前已報導舊金山同志影展將於6月19日影展開幕日放映<Affinity>,接著我發現Amazon UK原本公告5月12日銷售,已經被修改為6月16日. 我再比照LOVEFilm.com的訊息,看來英國應該會在6月16日同步銷售.
(6月12日註:沒多久,Amazon UK再度修改成8月18日上市,讓訂購者氣急敗壞.但是,換個角度想,是不是就表示它可能在7月份會上映了?)
至於到底會不會在ITV播映?其中關鍵人物是Peter Fincham.他是ITV電視部門的新總監,5月份才剛上任,為了拯救ITV疲憊的收視率,所有節目表重新排過.看來他可能不認為<Affinity>能取得很好的收視率,一再的懸而未決,逼得製作公司只好排出DVD的銷售日期.Fincham原先在BBC,前一陣子因為剪輯女王的紀錄片,誤導觀眾認為女王在受訪中途憤而離席的新聞事件,讓他丟掉BBC的職位.他在ITV會有什麼大作為呢?這裡有一篇6月4日的訪問,感覺上ITV此刻正是群龍無首,難怪連個檔期都搞不定.
9 意見:
It is not unusual that the release information is incorrect in Amazon. The product company may give Amazon the estimate date of release when submitting it to Amazon. Later when they want to change the date, the process is not efficient. I heard many publishers complaining about this. It's really strange the way Amazon does, since it still allows pre-order, despite that the release date is not certain.
You know what, I don't think we show enough consumer power. Why don't we have the influence over those business decesions?
DeepDiscount also has this DVD in their database with the same release date, though no cover art. It's cheaper than Amazon (This is the store I mentioned in the other thread about 20% off; no advertisement of this sale on their site ;))
If R2 UK version is released, it'd be cheaper to buy from there ($19.95 with free shipping).
I have purchased UK version and hold my breath.
Hold it no more, dear. No escape, it's been changed. I too pre-ordered from Amazon UK, it has just changed the release date to 18 August. Oh d^&n it
Oh my god!
FYI: A review is posted in AfterEllen. I'm not sure that this will be aired on any TV network any soon.
Have you noticed that the list price of this DVD is lower than that of a regular new-release? :?
I don't mind if it's going to air any more. Since it's in LGBT festival everywhere. Low price strategy, really? I haven't noticed. Because of short running time?
Note because of the short running time. Daphene is even shorter than Affinity.
When I saw the list price is lower than the typical one for a new release (£15.99), I wondered whether this is a "direct-to-video" or, more properly, "straight-to-DVD" product.
If the sale of this DVD is good (from the number in Amazon.uk, it's not bad; good enough), later ITV can still schedule the broadcast date and it may attract more viewers (in turn, pushing the DVD sale). If not, then it doesn't need to rush to air it. Whatever the case is, the die-hard fans would buy the DVD.