我們兩人合筆的寫法,最早出現在2007年4月日本立山黑部的遊記,當時大家都覺得很有趣,後來變成Fruit主筆時的標準格式.那一系列文章讓我發覺很多人喜歡看看我們的生活點滴,於是興起成立Pillow Talk的文章主題.
這兩天我在Pillow Talk的Tag(標籤)下就是找不到立山黑部的遊記.原來當時我設了"Fruit", "Travel",但是還沒使用到"Pillow Talk".因為它是"Pillow Talk"意念的源頭.
這一次,我把它們補上了"Pillow Talk"標籤.如果你之前沒看過,可以回頭看看當時的紀錄--我們真的改變不大:
the eve
Fly to Nagoya
Hida Takayama and Shirakawa
Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
Not Ending but Beginning
Guard Up Again
23 小時前
3 意見:
我看到好多地方都噗嗤笑出來 哈
好神奇 越是個性差異大的人 越是互相吸引嗎
從文章看來 反而organe比較像是老師
I also visited 立山黑部 in 2005 summer. On my own. Took the long-distance bus (5+ hours) to Matsuoto (松本) from south of Kobe, and visited Kamikochi (上高地) first before 立山黑部. Kamikochi is a beautiful place. Highly recommended.
After 立山黑部, I visit 飛驒高山.
That's not a problem. I don't speak Japanese. Last summer I went on to hike on the old trails in 和歌山縣 and to visit shrines (熊野本宮大社, 那智大社) for four days three nights. I only stayed in cheap 民宿 and made the reservation over the internet. Some people 民宿 don't speak English either. Very interesting experience.
Just give it a try.
I just love to see the nature. I don't like visiting shopping centers there.