法國影片《Tomboy》獲得2010年The Teddy Award(柏林同志電影泰迪熊獎)的Jury Prize(評審團特別獎),預計在今年4月中於法國院線上映。到時候會有更多的介紹。故事主人翁是10歲的Laure(Zoe Heran飾) 剛搬家,正準備要融入新環境、認識新朋友。鄰家女孩Lisa (Jeanne Disson飾)誤認他是男孩,於是將錯就錯自稱是Michael。
導演及編劇都由Celine Sciamma負責,她突然因片被封為法國極具潛力的女性影人。但我對她的前作《Water Lilies愛上壞女孩》的評價有所保留,不過因為本片的小女主角,我很期待電影發行。
Guard Up Again
23 小時前
6 意見:
Sciamma (1): 故事從一個小女生聲稱自己是小男生起,一個謊言遊戲就這樣展開了。謊言如雪球般的越滾越大,在完全無罪惡感及興奮之際,同時不知也不計此謊言所可能帶來的嚴重後果,小女生頓時有了雙重身份。困窘的是,她必須不停的說謊。但是她還是個小孩,雖然要顧慮到服飾行為,但也還沒複雜到反性裝扮者(Transversitists)所要面對的情境。
Sciamma (2): 這部片子完全沒有任何心理學理論的背景,我是用我喜歡的方式來寫這個故事。這就是電影。一個片子總有許多行動。在動作片及引人深思的劇情片間是沒有甚麼界限的。觀眾是被動的。觀眾不會去深思主角身上會發生甚麼事或為什麼會有這樣的經驗。跟這個片子有關的是一個謊言,及其所造成的後果。就好像警匪片中,警察要追查幫派,他也要一直說謊直到他偵探到幫派的去向。
Sciamma (3): 我並不是要合理化某種形式(Genre)或是創下某種格局,我只是要表現一段小孩的生涯時期。對我而言這是充滿意義的。小孩是對所有事情有未定開放的看法,這是極為廣闊的感官經驗。一個小孩覺得自由自在的,她可以跑、跳,凡事對她而言都是新鮮的。她發現新的事務,她接受所有的自身感受到的,包括身體所有的感官經驗。
Viel Spaß
謝謝你的幫助,我現在才了解導演的訪談內容 :)
I like "Water Lilies", Celine Sciamma first direction work. Not that I like the story of Water Lilies, it's the whole presentation that surpasses other movies in this genre.
I just watched this movie "Tomboy". The story is pretty straightforward but the director, as usual, gives the audience plenty of room to think of.
1. "鄰家女孩Lisa (Jeanne Disson飾)誤認他是男孩,於是將錯就錯自稱是Michael。"
From the English translation, I couldn't tell how Lisa mistook Laure as a boy. Maybe it shows on how Lisa addresses to Laure in French. (Here English has no difference in using verbs to address boys or girls).
Laure might already want to be a boy before being mistook as a boy. Her parents didn't discourage such behaviors.
Mild Spoiler
2. IMO, Laure at first didn't feel different toward Lisa, who instead noticed Laure's presence right from the beginning. Until the kiss.
Strong Spoiler
3. When Laure's mother fount out this, how will the movie end? I was thinking of this in the middle of the movie. Laure mother had to deal with this before the school starts and she did. Celine Sciamma doesn't want some big drama in this story.
Confrontation by other kids is mild, only letting the audience feel a little bit sorry for Laure.
But Ms Sciamma adds the one last scene to echo how Lisa and Laure met in the beginning. Sciamma intended not to showing Lisa's reaction but Laure's.
PS: here is another review about Water Lilies
I forgot to mention that the last scene in "Tomboy" reminds me of "Was Am Ende Zählt" (Nothing Else Matters), but in the reverse way.
For pure comparison, Was Am Ende Zählt is more lesbian-theme than Tomboy.
BTW, Tomboy won the 2011 Teddy Jury Award, not 2010. Céline Sciamma (along with Alexandre Astruc) was honored with the Prix France Culture Cinema 2011 (in Cannes).