Learn and Know:這一集有趣之處,在於充滿著讀書和學習.Denny學認字就罷了,她已經會唸雜誌.Nikki不斷地在讀書,連Monica都一起去上課.最厲害的是一干劇中人,全部都去聽Shane講園藝學.但學到最多的卻是Nikki,她終於在課後了解到Helen要嫁給Sean:"Well, you learn something new every day." 當然,Nikki會上課,也會授課.她用最原始的教學方式點醒一直搞不清楚狀況的Helen:"You wanna know what this is about? It's about this."

*以前曾看過一項全球調查,如果妳只能有一項化妝品,妳會選那項?記得台灣女孩會緊握口紅不放,而意大利女人的最愛是睫毛膏.如果是The L Word的Shane,恐怕就是眼影.在下則是沒有粉底萬萬不行.有網友表示受不了Nikki使用睫毛膏,我倒認為Bad Girls的化妝劇組,應有其階段性的目標.像第二季後的Nikki,臉頰瘦下來,化妝劇組便配合起淡妝造型.

Helen: Hey, I bet you're pleased I roped you into this talk. 我認為你會很高興我抓你去演講.
Sean: Mmm. 嗯
Helen: They're dead keen, just be gentle with them. 她們會很感興趣的,要善待她們.
Sean: Well will they be gentle with me? 她們會善待我嗎?
Helen: Course, you'll love them. 當然,你會喜歡她們的.
Sean: You're beginning to sound like their mother. 妳開始聽起來像她們的媽媽.
Helen:Oh please. 拜託
Sean: I think you'd make a pretty good mother. 我認為妳會是個很好的母親.
Helen: So you keep saying. Sounds like an early mid-life crisis coming on. 你一直這樣說.好前中年危機提前來臨.
Sean: No. I just think it'd be nice you know, to be a bit normal. You know; kids, wedding, engagement. In whatever order you want, of course. 我只是想,如果可以關係再平凡一點會更好.像是孩子、結婚、訂婚.當然,順序由妳決定.
Helen: Is this a proposal? 這是求婚嗎?
Sean: Well what do you think? 妳說呢?

Sean: Well, hang on a minute! I ask you to marry me and you…what; you throw on your coat and shoot out the door. 等一下! 我請妳嫁給我,妳卻匆忙穿上外套,奪門而出.
Helen: I'm in a hurry. 我在趕時間.
Sean: Well am I gonna get an answer or not? 妳到底會不會答覆我?
Helen: I can't believe you're this possessive. Remember when I asked you to move in with me, you took a month to decide. 不敢相信你佔有慾那麼強.記得當初我要你搬進來,你花了一個月考慮.
Sean: So? Things change. Look, if you really don't fancy it, that's ok. I'm not gonna bulldoze you into anything. 情況不同了.如果妳不想,沒關係.我不會逼迫妳.
Helen: Sounds like you are.你聽起來就像是逼婚.
Sean: Ok I am. Are you trying to give me a complex, hmm? 好吧,我就是逼婚.妳不會讓我難過吧?(Sean的行為語言上也有圍堵的意味,他把Helen抱住,靠到桌櫃上)
Helen: Oh I love you. 噢,我愛你.(Helen吻了Sean一下.聰明的女人沒有正面答覆,用吻當作緩兵之計)
Sean: So marry me. 那就嫁給我.
Helen: Can we talk about this later? I've really, really got to go. Bye darling. 可不可以晚點再談?我真的得要出門了.再見.

Denny: What kind of business? 要去做什麼事?
Shell: Lucrative. 賺錢的事.

Monica: You ever hear from Trisha? 崔西亞沒再和妳聯絡?
Nikki: Well, I had a couple of letters but they've stopped now. 我收過幾封信,現在已停了.
Monica: Don't you keep in touch with your parents? 妳不和父母聯絡?
Nikki: I left home when I was 16. They didn't like my lifestyle if you know what I mean. 我16歲就離家了.他們不喜歡我的「生活型態」.妳知道我的意思吧.
Monica: Do they know you're in here? 他們知道妳在這裡?
Nikki: It was in the papers. It just confirmed everything they thought about me. 報上有登.只是驗證他們對我的偏見.
Monica: You're a lovely girl Nikki. Why don't you write, try and make contact with them? 妳是個很可愛的人,尼琪.為什麼不寫信,試著和他們聯絡.
Nikki: What, like play happy families? Not like you and Spencer. 扮演幸福家庭嗎? 我們不像妳和史賓塞一樣.(是因為太早失去家庭溫暖,導致Nikki對別人常採取防禦的態度?)

lipstick一般是指feminine lesbian,比較女性化的拉子.Shell在此處的說法是個反諷,因為Lorna一看就是偏T,只是拿口紅這件事來作文章.至於Nikki到底是T還是P?美版第一季DVD包裝上的介紹詞是用lipstick,如果是與Helen相較對照,Nikki絕對是偏向玉樹臨風.但這或許能解釋為什麼第一季裡,Nikki的化妝較濃.其實T/P的界線在Nikki-Helen的外表與心理並不是很明顯,就像時裝一樣,新生代流行的是混搭風.

Monica: It was like.....like he was scared of me. My own son.好像....好像他很怕我.他是我的兒子.
Nikki: It's all dead strange to him Monica, he'll get used to it. Give it time. 這對他是全然陌生的事,他會習慣的.給他些時間.
Monica: For God sake, I don't want him to get used to it.老天,我並不想讓他習慣.
Nikki: Look, at least you've got a date for your appeal. 聽著,至少妳已定下了上訴的日期.
Monica: Well I thought I had. I haven't seen my lawyer in weeks, not a word from him. 我以為定了.但我好幾週都沒見到律師,連個消息都沒有.
Nikki: Well get onto him, tell him to pull his finger out. Tell him you want a meeting, phone him. 那就去找他,逼他行動.告訴他妳要見他,打電話給他.
Monica: I don't want to hear bad news. Don't think I could bear it.我不想聽到壞消息.怕承受不了.
Nikki: Fine. Just sit around moping for the next three years 'til your parole board meets, that'll cheer Spencer up. 好吧.妳就坐著枯等三年後的假釋.那還真能取悅史賓塞.

Shell: Brings tears to your eyes that does. All that care and attention for Zan'ere. And you know who's gonna believe that don't ya? No bugger. 妳竟會為此流淚.這麼關心照顧珊德.妳以為誰會相信?鬼才相信.
Lorna: Shell, please. 雪兒,拜託妳 (真不敢相信,獄官倒求犯人)
Shell: It's all right Miss. We really appreciate what you're doing for us. Fact, all the girl will tell you, Miss Rose has got an heart of gold. Course, we are gonna have to take advantage of this generous nature of yours. Otherwise, well… I don't think I need to spell it out. 沒關係.我們很感激妳為我們做的一切.每個女孩都會說,羅絲小姐最慷慨了.當然,我們想就妳慷慨之舉,占一點便宜.否則...我想就不用往下說了.

Helen: So now we can install a TV and video in the visitors' centre.我們可以在會客室裝上電視和錄影機.
Bodybag: The Officers' Mess needs a new carpet. 員工餐廳需要新地毯.
Helen: Yeah, well this money's for the women's welfare Sylvia, not for your club. Right, now I see that we've got a vacancy on G3, I'd like to put Nikki Wade up there.....Well, don't all talk at once. 這筆錢是用在婦女福利,不是給妳的俱樂部.現在三樓有空房,我想遷入尼琪.魏.(現場一片沈默,太驚人嗎?).....我不會再說第二遍.
Jim: Wade, on Enhanced? Are you joking? 魏,到升等廂?妳在開玩笑?
Helen: Obviously I'm not, Jim. Lorna, you're Nikki's personal officer, what do you think? 很顯然我不是,吉姆.羅娜,妳是尼琪的個人獄官,妳的看法呢?
Lorna: Yeah, fine. 很好.(Lorna根本心不在焉)
Bodybag: Fine? She's worse than ever since she was put on that University course. 很好?自從她進入空中大學,她比以前更糟.(真是睜眼說瞎話)

Jim: So Helen, what exactly are you trying to prove? 所以,海倫,妳到底想證明什麼?
Dominic: Look, Nikki Wade's a pain in the arse. But recently, well you got to admit....尼琪.魏是麻煩人物.但最近,你得承認....
Bodybag: A few weeks' good behaviour and she gets the run of the place. 只是幾個星期表現良好,她就不得了啦.
Dominic: Oh, we all know you won't be in favour of anything Sylv. 我們知道妳對任何事都不順眼.(Dominic 說得好!)
Bodybag: Excuse me! 什麼話
Jim: Come on, hang on, let's just calm down. 好了,別動怒,冷靜下來.

Helen: Exactly. I don't want to pass on our problems to another institution. Not until I know that we've done everything we can. 沒錯.我不想把問題推給另一個單位.除非我們己竭盡全力.
Jim: Well the Number One's not gonna like it one bit. 大老闆可能一點都不喜歡.
Helen: Once you get round to telling him all about it I'm sure he won't. 那就等你告訴他吧,我保證他不會介意.(Helen 漂亮反擊!)
Dominic: Look, we can all see the difference in Nikki since Helen's been in charge. She's more accommodating, she's keen to get on with her work and now she's studying. I mean Christ, I even got a “hello” from her the other day and that's all down to Helen. 自從海倫上任,我們可以看到尼琪的改變.她變得親切,願意工作,現在竟然在進修.我說天呀,前幾天她居然向我打招呼.這全歸海倫的功勞.(這段話...稍微馬屁了一點)
Helen: Well we're going round the houses a bit here, let's move on to the next item. 我們繞著這個題目很久了,來討論下個題目吧.
Bodybag: What are you after, a gold star? 你所為何來?金星勳章嗎?

Dominic: Yeah well, there's a lot worse than Nikki Wade about. Shell Dockley for a start. 這裡有更多人比尼琪魏還要糟糕.頭一個就是雪兒杜.
Jim:Shell? She's harmless. 她沒有威脅性.
Dominic: Yeah, there's never anything you can pin on Shell. Makes you wonder if someone's tipping her off. 是啊,從來沒有一件壞事可歸咎雪兒.真讓人會以為背後有高人指點她.(這句話真是講得非常白了,只差沒說出Jim就是背後的高人.)

Bodybag: Get your stuff together, you're moving. 把妳的東西收好,妳要搬家了.
Nikki: Why, what the hell for? 為什麼,在搞什麼?
Bodybag:You're moving to G3. 妳要搬到3樓.
Nikki: G3? You winding me up? 3樓?妳是作弄我嗎?
Bodybag: Miss Stewart's instructions. You've obviously made a very favourable impression in certain quarters. Well maybe you can fool Miss Stewart, but you can't fool me. I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled. 是司徒女士的指令.妳似乎在某些地方表現討喜.或許妳可以愚弄司徒女士,但妳騙不了我.我是這行老手,可以識破妳的羊皮.

Bodybag: Never mind comments, just hurry up. I'll be watching you Wade. One wrong move. 別耍嘴皮,趕快動手.我會看著妳,姓魏的.別走錯任何一步.

Shell: What's going on? 怎麼回事?
Nikki: Say hello to your new next-door neighbour. 向妳的新鄰居打招呼
Bodybag: Come on, come on, keep moving. 快點,快點,繼續走.
Shell: You what? She can't move up here. 什麼?她不能搬到這裡.

Shell: Miss...長官...
Nikki: And erm, is it true that we can go anywhere we want? 是真的嗎,我們可以去任何想去的地方?
Shell: Miss, that ain't fair. She tried to kill me two month ago, she should be on Basic with the other psychos. Miss...長官,不公平.二個月前她還想殺我.她應該在一樓和其他瘋子關在一起.長官....
Bodybag: Don't whine at me Dockley, as if it's my bright idea. 別向我發牢騷,杜.這又不是我的鬼主角.
Nikki: Seems like it's the governor's decision, Shell. 看起來是典獄長的指令.雪兒.

Bodybag: That's enough Dockley, clear off. 夠了,杜,閉嘴.
Shell: Well she must be, how else....她一定是,要不然....
Bodybag:Anymore of that and you're on report. Scram, now. 妳再胡說就要被打報告.現在滾回去.

Helen: Hi. How you settling in? 妳安置得如何?
Nikki: Fine. Great view. Feels different being up here.... officially. 很好.景觀很棒.說真的.....在樓上真的感覺不同.
Helen: Nikki, I'm sure I don't need to spell it out, but being on Enhanced does have its responsibilities. You know that, don't you? 尼琪,不需要我明說,在升等廂要有相對責任.妳明白吧?
Nikki: Yeah. 是.
Helen: I need to know that I can trust you. 妳得讓我信得過妳.
Nikki: I promise to behave myself. And say my prayers before I go to bed, all right? Look, I'm not very good at this sort of thing… but thanks. Thanks a lot. 我保證守規矩.一定會睡前禱告(這不是Helen想聽的)....我不擅長這種情況....但是謝謝,真的很感謝.(很少見到Nikki溫柔話語,這已經是她對管理階層的極限)

另外一部是近期的<Brokeback Moutain 斷背山>,鏡頭盯著傑克下垂的眼神,一動不動,背景則是恩尼斯裸身沐浴.這二段都是壓抑糾結,卻迴腸盪氣.

Nikki: Yeah well, you stay out of my way and we'll get on fine. 我們井水不犯河水,就能相安無事.
Shell: What's this about? 這是什麼?
(*Shell拿起的書是Great Love Poems,它只是一般的情詩精選.可能是Nikki進修課程的讀本,當然也不無可能是她暗戀情愫的抒發.)
Nikki: Put it down. 把它放下.
Shell: What's in it, lesby love poems? 裡頭寫什麼,拉子情詩?
Nikki: Put it down and disappear. 把它放下,離開.
Shell: That ain't very nice. I only came in to say hello. 這很不友善,我只是進來打招呼.(Shell惡意打翻一罐可樂,馬上觸怒Nikki的敏感神經,又想抓住這女人,再打一架.)
Nikki:Bitch! 賤女人!
Shell: Well go on then, hit me. What's the matter dyke, are you scared? Want me to spill some more? 來打我啊(Nikki想起她的重責大任,只好放開Shell).怎麼了女同志,怕啦?要不要我再倒一些.(惟恐天下不亂的女人)

Dominic: What's going on? 出什麼事?
Shell: Thanks Nikki, I was parched. 謝了,尼琪,我正口渴.(把倒翻的罐子拾起,假裝成是喝飲料)
Dominic: Neat place you got here. 這裡佈置很好.
Nikki: Yeah well, it's the first rung on the ladder. Not a lot of storage though. 這原本就是最好的囚房.但收納空間還是嫌少.
Dominic:You know who you got to thank for this, don't you? 妳知道這些都要感謝誰吧?
Nikki: Yeah, the governor. 是,典獄長.(Nikki可能想說,我謝過她了)

Nikki:I don't know why. 我不清楚原因.(妳敢說妳不知道?少騙人.)
Dominic: Just don't cock it up, yeah? 別搞砸了,嘢?
Nikki: What's going on? Suddenly the place is awash with nice screws. Bodybag will be bringing me cups of tea next. 怎麼了?這個地方突然出現一堆好好獄官.難不成Bodybag下次會為我奉茶.
Dominic:Goodnight Nikki. 晚安,尼琪.
Nikki: ‘Night Mr McAllister. 晚安,麥先生.

Helen: Sean! Come on! 西恩!快點!
Sean: I'm coming. So do you think they'll like me? 我來了.妳認為她們會喜歡我嗎?
Helen: A posh git banging on about plants? Listen, if things do turn nasty then you can always push the panic button on the classroom door. For God sake, joke! 一個優雅的小蠢蛋滔滔不絕講著園藝學?如果場面變得失控,你可以按下教室門上的的緊急按鈕.天呀,是說笑啦.(我們後來看到那是在白板旁邊的紅色按鈕.那個按鈕不是給Sean求救用的,反而像是用來警告Nikki.)

Nikki: Shut it Shell. Some of us are interested in this. 閉嘴,雪兒,我們有些人有興趣聽.
Shell: Yeah? And some of us are interested in hairy balls, we know you're not. 嘢?我們有些人是對毛球有興趣,我們知道妳是沒性趣.

Sean: Have you got a garden at home? 妳家裡有花園嗎?
Nikki: I haven't got a home. Maybe one day. 我沒有家.或許有一天吧.(等到Nikki搬進Helen她家的那一天)
Sean: Well if it's got a garden, I owe you a few hours weeding. For the support. I was dead nervous. 如果妳有花園,我欠妳幾個小時的除草.來謝謝妳的幫襯.我緊張死了.(Sean用了有趣的對價關係,可以類推:如果妳有游泳池,我欠妳幾個小時的消毒清潔...)
Nikki: You were great. 你講得很好.

Sean: It was Hell. I thought about using that panic button you mentioned. Anyway, home time. And you're doing the cooking. 如在地獄.我真考慮要去按妳說的緊急按鈕.不管了,該回家了.妳得煮飯.(Sean最大的缺點是在外面很想表現得大男人,好像是他住進Helen家的反作用心理)
Helen: Sorry, didn't Sean tell you? He's my partner. 抱歉,西恩沒提到嗎?他是我的伴侶.(這是為了表現gay-friendly嗎?刻意用partner一詞)

Sean: Well you won't be calling me that for much longer. She's just asked me to marry her. Forced me to say yes. 這個稱呼不會用太久.她才向我求婚.逼我娶她.(這種男性優越感,用過火了)
Helen: So, how did you enjoy the class Nikki? 妳喜歡這堂課嗎,尼琪?(Helen覺得尷尬,想要轉移話題.)
Nikki: Well, you learn something new every day. 妳每天都可以學到新鮮事.(此事非彼事,可憐的Nikki一臉失落....)

Nikki: Here comes the blushing bride-to-be. Kept that quiet didn't you? 害羞的待嫁新娘來了.妳真會守口如瓶?
Helen: Sean had just asked me to marry him. Not that it's any of your business actually. 西恩才向我求婚.這與妳一點關係都沒有.
Nikki: Why are you telling me then? 那妳為何告訴我?
Helen: I really don't know but I certainly don't have to explain myself to you. 我不知道為什麼,但我沒有必要向妳解釋.(難不成,Helen只是想拉攏住盟友?)
Nikki:Fine. 很好.
Helen: You know, for some odd reason it seems to upset you, Sean and I getting married. 有種奇怪的原因,似乎讓妳不高興見到西恩和我結婚.(她終於察覺異狀)
Nikki: Odd reason? That's a good one. 奇怪的原因?說得真好.
Helen: Nikki, what the hell is this about? 尼琪,到底是怎麼回事?
Nikki: You really don't know? 妳真的不知道?
Helen: If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you, would I? 如果我知道,就不會問妳了?

Helen: Jesus Christ! 天呀!(Helen對突然之舉,簡直嚇壞了,死命抽回後,與Nikki無聲地對望了半晌.)

Helen: Take a seat. 坐下來
Nikki: Look, I'm sorry, I was out of order, I was just....對不起,我違反規定,我只是...(Nikki知道闖禍,乾脆先來認錯)
Helen: I don't care what you were Nikki. You'll understand if I'm blunt. Now I know that you're a lesbian, and you're comfortable and so on with that. But I'm a heterosexual and I'm gonna get married very soon. I find your behaviour inappropriate; you seem to want to go out of your way to make me feel uncomfortable.我不管妳做什麼.妳知道我有話直說.我知道妳是女同志,很坦然自己的性傾向.但我是異性戀,而且快要結婚了.妳卻舉止不當,想要逾越份際,讓我很難堪.(Helen把對方的下台階都罵掉了)

Helen: I like you Nikki. I've encouraged you to do a degree; I've put you on Enhanced. But everything that I have done for you, I have done for professional reasons. Now I can assure you that's the case. 我欣賞妳,尼琪.我鼓勵妳進修.讓妳住進升等廂.但我為妳做的一切,都是基於專業考量.我可以向妳保證只是這樣.(講得好像全都是Nikki一廂情願的幻想)
Nikki: Fine. If you say so. 好吧,妳說了就算.(Nikki的態度轉為強硬)

Nikki: Well I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble Miss. 很抱歉對妳造成這麼大的困擾.(Nikki才不接受這種羞辱,起身拉門就走)

Sean: Hey, I thought we were supposed to be going out to dinner. 我以為我們不是要出去用餐?
Helen: Oh, shit. 糟了.
Sean: Well you better have a shower quick, we're late. 妳趕快沖個澡,我們已遲了.
Helen: Do you mind if we leave it for another time? I really don't feel like eating. 你介意我們下次再去嗎?我沒胃口.
Sean:Well course you do. Once we're there you'll be fine. 妳會有胃口的.到了餐廳妳就恢復了.(這一集Sean的強迫態度,越看越討厭)

Sean: Are you all right? Well you don't seem yourself. 妳還好嗎?妳看起來不舒服.
Helen: I'm fine. 我沒事.
Sean: You're not regretting already are you? You know, about getting married. 妳該不是後悔了?後悔結婚.

Sean: Well look, we can always put it off for a while you know, if you feel you're not ready for it. 聽著,我們可以把婚事緩一緩,如果妳覺得還不到時候.
Helen: Sean, it's only dinner that I want to put off. Look, I love you and I want to get married as soon as we can. OK? 西恩,我只是延後用餐而已.我愛你,我想要儘快和你結婚,好嗎?(Helen是張著眼睛吻Sean,想要確定吻的是誰?)
*有些影片描述到原以為是異性戀的女子,面對轉換隊伍(switch team)的關鍵,會反作用力向男伴異樣求歡,來穩固或是確認自己的異性戀傾向.<When Night is Falling 夜幕低垂>裡的女教授給了魔術師猶豫的一吻之後,轉而將前所未有滿溢的情慾發洩在未婚夫.<High Art 高檔貨>助理編輯嗑了藥,和攝影家在床上欲言又止.她便走下樓去,磨蹭著快要睡著的男友.<Imagine Me and You 新娘向後跑(四角關係)>新嫁娘在熱舞之後,與花藝師告別時的未竟之吻,隨後冷落閨房樂,激得她想用打野外的方式來重燃性趣.

Monica還對著不遠處的Nikki喊話:"Haven't we Nikki? Haven't we all got faith in Helen? 我們有沒有,尼琪?我們有沒有對海倫寄予厚望?"

Dominic: Really? I'd say you had a bit of a blind spot where Shell's concerned. 真的?只要是講到雪兒,你就有盲點.
Jim: No, it's not a blind spot. It's called common sense. Shell's useful to me, she lets me know what's happening out there. How the hell do you think I manage to stamp on any trouble before it starts? Now you've probably turned her against me, for what, a couple of bloody tranquillisers? Jesus. 這不是盲點.這是常識.雪兒對我很有幫助.她讓我知道發生那些事.要不然我怎能防患於未然?現在你可能讓她變得和我作對,只為了幾顆鎮定劑?天呀.

Jim: I'm already in deep enough shite defending you. Anymore of this and I promise you, you'll be transferred out of here so fast, your arse won't hit the ground. That's after you get a good kicking from everyone, me included. 為了要保護妳,我已麻煩夠大.只要再有狀況,我保證立刻把妳遷獄,飛快到妳根本碰不到地.在那之前每個人都會好好給妳一頓教訓,包含我在內.
我一直懷疑Jim其實感覺到Lorna有問題,只是他的策略很簡單,他一定先官官相護,接著才是保護他的Fan Club.在第三季,他故意保護另一位虐待母親的女獄官,以便在適當時機能利用.

Shell: I hope you know what I done for you. 我希望妳明白我為妳做的一切.
Lorna: Why did you change your mind? 妳怎麼改變了心意?
Shell: Cause I like ya. I told you I weren't gonna dump you in the shit. 因為我欣賞妳.我說過不會把背棄妳.(完全臉不紅,氣不喘)
Lorna:I thought....我以為....
Shell: What, thought I was gonna tell Jim Fenner? Well I couldn't. Came down to it, I just couldn't grass. 以為我會告於吉姆費拿?我不會,總之,我不會出賣別人.(其實是他根本不信)
Lorna: I reall...我真的....
Shell: Look, just remember; I stuck to my side of the bargain.記住,我可是緊守我們的合作關係.
Lorna開心地打開門,以為自已逃過一劫,其實Shell早已準備伺機向Lorna, Jim絕地反攻.


Nikki: Off on your holidays Shell? Send us a postcard won't you! 妳要去渡假了嗎,雪兒?寄名信片回來,好嗎?
Crystal: That's what you get for being a lying bitch Dockley. Should have put her in solitary and chained her to the wall. 這就是妳說謊耍賤的下場,杜.應該要把她隔離監禁,而且銬在牆上.(這種處罰又太宗教偏執了)

Nikki: Another day gone Monica! How many you got left? 又過了一天,Monica!妳還剩幾天?
Monica: Not many I hope! What about you? 我希望沒幾天了!那妳呢?
Nikki: Roughly? 3655! 粗略來說? 3655天!
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