Lang今天告訴我華老師(Sarah Waters)的近況:「
The Night Watch被BBC買下版權,正洽談改编拍攝事宜。」
我的心情很複雜,喜的是多一個電視版豈不樂哉!憂的是不曉得編劇能不能好好掌握原著精神?突然回想起2006年曾看過華老師出席The Night Watch新書發表會時,穿著仿40年代的典雅女裝,真是驚為天人!
照片請點此處的聯結.照片的所有人是Alison Bechdel,她就是漫畫
Dykes To Watch Out For的作者.
剛好查到 Virago發佈她回答讀者的問題:
I have been working on a new novel for a couple of months: it is coming along quite nicely, but is still very much in its early stages, so I don't want to say too much about it... I can tell you that the action takes place in the late 1940s (sorry - not contemporary), but not in London: it has a rural setting, which at the moment, for various reasons, is Warwickshire. It's very much about post-war social changes, but it is also quite gothic. And there are no lesbians in it! - which is a bit of a departure for me, and brings me nicely to your second question... I am of course aware of having a lesbian and a mainstream audience now, but I can't say I write 'for' either one of them: I write for myself really; I write the sort of novels I hope I'd like to read. One of the biggest pleasures of writing fiction for me is in being able to spend a long time pursuing a set of issues or ideas, and turning them into a novel. Another big pleasure is seeing that novel come alive when other people read and enjoy it. I'm glad you enjoy my storytelling. I do see myself first and foremost as a storyteller - rather than, say, as a 'lesbian writer' or a 'historical novelist'.

上圖是一位朋友提供的私房照片.2005/10/20他參加德國法蘭克福書展,隨意拍攝現場場景.我看到照片時大叫,原來左上方是Sarah Waters的照片,她被放置在展場門面的顯著位置,看來是出版社器重的作者.不知當時,被銷售出那些國家的出版權?
2 意見:
我將 The Night Watch 有關的那則消息轉錄至 BBS 及家族了, 並且附上連結, 希望妳不會介意.