<Affinity>曾參加6月19日San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival(舊金山同志影展,又稱Frameline 32),邀為影展開幕影片.我們在6月30日的文章放過Anna Madeley出席首映會,在Castro Theatre前的照片.沒想到Sarah Waters也出席了!
由「AM之友協會」病入膏肓級會員:Lang阿朗提供她們兩位出席首映座談會的現場畫面.阿朗提醒大家注意2:40左右華老師逗得全場大笑:"The combination of the dark seances and dark prison and young girls being tied up, these are all sort of bubbling...I didn't have to do much to it, really"
8月19日是<Affinity>DVD正式發行日,Wolfe Video可能趁華老師到舊金山參展時,順便錄下一小段宣傳影片.好辛苦,既要打書,又要打片.
My Weekend Crush
45 分鐘前
4 意見:
;D 站在舞台中央笑谈黑屋bondage,华老师真是“华丽的邪恶”了。
我真感到不好意思, 你已經知道台灣中譯本把Affinity譯成不知所云的"華麗的邪惡".
And the interview on AfterEllen. Quite long.
"The script of Night Watch is being written right now..." I wonder how they could do this in a 90-min TV ... not just cut out some but probably wouldn't film it as backward in time, I guess.
And for her next book ...
wildeny, thanks. I have embedded the vlog.